- Jahshaka 是一个视频和电影合成、编辑系统,使用了OpenGL和OpenML硬件渲染,所以给操作者者实时交互感。这个系统跨平台,也包括所有CG,图片处理模块-Jahshaka is a video frequency and the movie synthesizes, the edition system, has used OpenGL and the OpenML hardware exaggerates, therefore gives the operator real-time
- 工控系统中画实时曲线源码,包括画点和画线两种形式-Control System Real-time curve source paintings, including paintings point and line drawing two forms
- 采用vc++.net编写,实现虚拟现实中的室外场景地形系统的实时渲染,渲染API为Drict9.0-using vc + +. Net preparation, the virtual reality of the terrain of outdoor scenes of real-time rendering system. rendering API for Drict9.0
- 目标跟踪系统的设计与研究,对目标能实时准确地跟踪,本子系统分别在输入图像预处理、目标跟踪算法和跟踪精度上对现有的算法进行改进,使之在速度和精度上满足要求: -target tracking system design and research, the goal of real-time and accurate tracking, Subsystems in the input image pre-processing, target tracking algorithms and tra
- 视频监控系统完整源码(本人本科毕业设计),运用帧间差分算法,运用高斯混合模型来实现背景的实时更新,以减少由于环境的变化对检测结果的干扰。-Video Surveillance System integrity of the source code (I graduated from undergraduate design), use interframe difference algorithm, Gaussian mixture model used to achieve the real-
- 一种实时的车辆检测和跟踪系统,抗前向遮挡 ICPR 06 IEEE. A Real-Time vehicle detection and tracking system,prior occlusion resolusion
celestia-1.6.1.tar Celestia is an application for real-time 3D
- Celestia is an application for real-time 3D visualization of space, with a detailed model of the solar system, over 100,000 stars, more than 10,000 galaxies, and an extension mechanism for adding more objects.
- 此程序演示了利用粒子系统实现雨景效果模拟。实现雨景模拟的粒子系统中,每个雨点粒子是一条短线,即一定长度的线段,把这条线段当做一个粒子,随着时间的推移,它根据两个顶点所决定的方向向量,按一定的速度下降,实时计算出它的具体位置,然后在这个位置上将该粒子绘制出来。具体实现过程可参照代码。-This program demonstrated the use of particle systems to achieve the effect of simulated rain King. The real
- 三维建模软件creator的一点应用,将max文件转为flt文件,实现实时系统的应用-Creator of three-dimensional modeling software application that will max files to flt file, the application of real-time system implementation
- OpenGL粒子系统实现三维喷泉实时模拟;可转换视角;系统要求不高,耗费资源少,实时性能好;-OpenGL Particle System fountain achieve real-time three-dimensional simulation convertible perspective system not ask for much, consume fewer resources are available, real-time performance better
- 目标跟踪,本文围绕人运动的视觉分析中的重要课题——基于模型的行人跟踪——展开研究,它不仅涉及底层视觉的许多问题,还是高层视觉处理的基础。基于模型的跟踪是解决行人跟踪问题的一般性框架。-A Method of Passing People Tracking and Counting Based on Real- Time Image- Sequence
- 图像缓存是图像处理系统设计的重点和难点,包括SDRAM和FIFO的设计,本PDF是设计图像缓存设计的好资料-sdram and fifo design for real-time image processing system
- 实现图像的空间选择并在不同的通过进行圆检测,视频处理具有实时性-To detect circles on different color channels and it is real-time system for video processing.
- video game in network with simulation of 7 players using real time system XVR
- 该系统是在现有的相机结构基础上,改变传统的有源调焦方式,从获取的数字图像中提取表征图像清晰度的特征,并以此为判别依据进行实时处理。-The system is based on the existing camera structure, change the traditional focus of active ways to get digital images from the extracted features of image clarity of characterization
- In this thesis we present an operational computer vision system for real-time detection and tracking of human motion. The system captures monocular video of a scene and identifies those moving objects which are characteristically human. This serves a
- 一个实时的2维人体检测跟踪算法,是opencv源码里参考的文章之一。内容包括表面模型建立,新目标检测以及匹配的问题。-A Real-Time System for Detecting and Tracking People in 2D, is one of the references in opencv, including the appearance model, new object detect and how to find the corresponding one.
- 基于采集卡的家庭视频监控系统 实现实时视频监控的处理-To achieve real-time processing of video surveillance monitoring system based on the home video capture card
- CCD相机实时自动调光系统,相关的算法!-CCD camera, real-time automatic dimming system, related algorithms!
- 随机森林法估计人脸姿态。我们提出用于估计位置和一个人的头部的方向,从由一个低质量的设备获取的深度数据的系统。-Random Forest method to estimate the face pose,。We present a system for estimating location and orientation of a person s head, from depth data acquired by a low quality device.