- 详细介绍了信号的稀疏分解和表示方法,可以用于图像特征提取等方面,Details of the sparse signal decomposition and that the method can be used for image feature extraction, etc.
- 压缩传感理论的一个简单例子,首先对信号进行稀疏采样,然后利用MP算法对信号进行重建。,Compressed sensing theory of a simple example, first of all, the signal sparse sampling, and then use MP algorithm of signal reconstruction.
- 稀疏编码的算法,运行请阅读readme文件,很简单,Sparse coding algorithmsrun matlab and execute: "demo_fast_sc(1)": epsilon-L1 sparsity penalty "demo_fast_sc(2)": L1 sparsity penalty
- 低秩的求解 denoise an image by sparsely representing each block with the already overcomplete trained Dictionary, and averaging the represented parts. Detailed descr iption can be found in "Image Denoising Via Sparse and Redundant representations
SRC 实现了使用基于稀疏表示的人脸识别算法
- 该源码实现了使用基于稀疏表示的人脸识别算法。使用GPSR作为l1模最小化方法。-This pack of code implement a imges-based face recognition using sparse representation classification. In the algorithm, i employ GPSR as tool to complete the optimization procedure of l1-minimization.
- 图像稀疏编码的一种方法,可用于基于稀疏表示的图像压缩、去噪等-Sparse image coding method can be used for sparse representation-based image compression, denoising, etc.
- 发表于ECCV上的一篇用于人脸识别的算法,Gabor Feature based Sparse Representation for Face Recognition with Gabor Occlusion Dictionary -At ECCV on an algorithm for face recognition, Gabor Feature based Sparse Representation for Face Recognition with Gabor Occlusion Dic
- 基于稀疏编码和线性塔式匹配的图像分类算法。-This package contains the Matlab codes implementing the ScSPM algorithm described in CVPR 09 paper "Linear Spatial Pyramid Matching using Sparse Coding for Image Classification".
- sparsify is a set of Matlab m-files implementing a range of different algorithms to calculate sparse signal approximations. Currently sparsify contains two main sets of algorithms, greedy methods (collected under the name of GreedLab) and hard thresh
- 两个稀疏矩阵的三元组a,b输出,转置,相加及相乘-Two sparse matrix triple a, b output, transpose, add and multiply
- Bundler is a structure-from-motion system for unordered image collections (for instance, images from the Internet). Bundler takes a set of images, image features, and image matches as input, and produces a 3D reconstruction of the camera and (s
- Sparse signal representation using overlapping frames论文的实现-Sparse signal representation using overlapping frames
- 此代码用于完成MRI图像的压缩采样重建。它是论文"Sparse MRI: The Application of Compressed Sensing for Rapid MR Imaging", 2007中的源码-This is an implementation of Compressed Sensing reconstruction for MRI data. It implements the non-linear conjugate sub-gradient algorithm as
- 基于稀疏表示的算法,对Donoho提出的Cartoon image进行纹理综合-Algorithm based on sparse representation of Donoho proposed Cartoon image texture synthesis
- 多种信号过完备字典学习算法的工具包,包含文献Surveying and comparing simultaneous sparse approximation (or group-lasso) algorithms中所有的算法。-Multiple signals over-complete dictionary learning algorithm toolkit, including literature Surveying and comparing simultaneous sparse
- 有关稀疏表示的文章,主要是稀疏表示在一些图像方面的应用。-The sparse representation of the article, mainly sparse representation in a number of images in the application.
- 基于稀疏表示的计算机视觉和模式识别,主要介绍了利用稀疏表示的原理来处理计算视觉领域的去噪,识别,超分辨率重建等问题-Sparse Representation For Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
- 稀疏图像表示的课件,西安电子科大焦李成做-Sparse image representation of the courseware, Xi' an Electronic Science and Technology Li-Cheng Jiao do
- 本压缩包包含了图像处理中稀疏表示的相关文献以及相关代码-This archive contains a sparse representation of image processing literature and related code
Sparse Concept Coding for Visual Analysis
- Sparse Concept Coding for Visual Analysis