CORE 图形系统
- Graph with no options takes pairs of points (two numbers per line) from the given file (or standard input) as x- and y- values and plots them on the screen, connected by straight lines. A string surrounded by quotes \"...\" may follow a pair
- JEQ is class library written in pure Java. It implements the infinite impulse response (IIR) algorithm for bandpass filtering of sound stream. So, it represents a backend code for stereo 10/15/25/31-band equalizer.-JEQ class library is written in pur
- 针对CT 医学图像和MR I 医学图像成像特点, 提出了基于快速整数提升小波变换的融合方法。在CT 和 MR I 两幅医学图像配准的前提下, 利用提升小波变换把图像分解成低频和高频子图像, 对于小波变换后的高频 子图像, 选择区域标准差大的作为融合后的子图像 对于低频子图像, 采用加权融合, 最后进行小波逆变换, 得到 融合后的图像, 并对融合后图像用信息熵、平均梯度、相关系数的指标进行评价。实验结果表明, 基于快速整数提 升小波变换融合中, 小波高低频系数采用不同的规则能够取得