- subplot(2,2,1) imshow(I) title( 原始图象 ) subplot(2,2,2) imshow(BW1) title( prewitt 边缘检测后的图象 ) subplot(2,2,3) imshow(BW2) title( canny 边缘检测后的图象 ) subplot(2,2,4) imshow(BW3) title( sobel 边缘检测后的图象 ) -subplot (2,2, 1) imshow (I) title (original ima
- 一个新设计的OTSU算法,使用方法如下:% load clown % subplot(221) % imshow(X/max(X(:))) % title( Original , FontWeight , bold ) % for n = 2:4 % Iseg = otsu(X,n) % subplot(2,2,n), colormap(gray) % imshow(Iseg) % title([ n = int2str(n)], FontWeight , bo
- 用subplot,imshow,imread,遍历并显示图库文件夹中的人脸图像(用循环)。运行后图像要显示成矩阵模式的,还得产生统一矩阵和均值矩阵。-With a subplot, imshow, imread, traverse and display the Gallery folder of face images (with circulation). After running into the matrix mode to display images, and have to pr
- clc img = imread( lena.bmp ) JPEG compression jpegcompression(img, lena_compressed.mat ) JPEG decompression Irec = jpegrestoration( lena_compressed.mat ) System performances [CR,BPP,PSNR,MSE,SNR] = systemperformances(img,Ir
- subplot(3,2,1) imshow(i) title( Input Image )
- FM without noise Fs = input( enter the value of Fs ) Sampling rate of signal Fc = input( enter the value of Fc ) Carrier frequency t = [0:Fs] /Fs Sampling times x = sin(2*pi*20*t) +2*sin(2*pi*60*t) Channel dev = input( enter the valu
- 在mtalab的画图中,给出子图的位置,便于设计图形的大小。- a function to define the coodination of your own subplot axes you d better estimate the input to assure not exceed the figure this function is similar to the subplot(row,col,i) i is the ith su
- 【例6.4-1】本例演示:pcolor , contour, contourf的调用格式;等位线标高指令 clabel 的配合使用和区别;colorbar在用户指定位置上创建着色标尺;subplot子图位置的控制;图形窗背景底色的设置。(图6.4-1)-Example 6.4-1 This example demonstrates: pcolor, contour, contourf' s call format the bit line elevation instruction cl
- 1. 读取学生成绩单文件2. 存入数组, 第一列存3.依次根据成绩判定等级(60分以下D, 60-79C,80-90B,90-99A,100A+ )并将等级结果存到对应的数组里学好,第二列存成绩,第三列留给等级4.请画出成绩等级分布图(2D),函数任选5.请画3D图,函数任选 6. 通过subplot,重画上面两个图,形成一个合成图,上下分布-Read student transcr ipt file into an array, the first column of memory 3 the
- 对不同区域进行断面分析,并让图片生成在一张图上-Cross-section analysis for different areas and let the picture generated a map
- MATLAB实用源代码 1.图像反转 MATLAB程序实现如下: I=imread( xian.bmp ) J=double(I) J=-J+(256-1) 图像反转线性变换 H=uint8(J) subplot(1,2,1),imshow(I) subplot(1,2,2),imshow(H) -matlab code
- 读图 mix imread( romems.jpg ) pan imread( rome_pan.jpg ) 显示原多光谱图 subplot(221) imshow(mix),title( 多光谱 ) subplot(222) imshow(pan),title( 全色图像 ) 预处理 mix double(mix)/255 pan double(pan)/255 求相关矩阵 [r c bands] size(mix) p
- 用subplot分别在不同的坐标系下作出下列四条曲线,为每幅图形加上标题,-With subplot respectively made the following four curves under the different coordinate system, for each graphic caption,
- 用subplot分别在不同的坐标系下作出下列四条曲线,为每幅图形加上标题,-With subplot respectively made the following four curves under the different coordinate system, for each graphic caption,
- 用subplot分别在不同的坐标系下作出下列四条曲线,为每幅图形加上标题,(With subplot respectively made the following four curves under the different coordinate system, for each graphic caption,)
- 【编程实现】 I = checkerboard(8); subplot(221); imshow(I); title('Original Image (courtesy of MIT)'); % 模拟运动模糊. LEN = 21; THETA = 11; PSF = fspecial('motion', LEN, THETA); blurred = imfilter(I, PSF, '
image reversal
- 1.图像反转 MATLAB程序实现如下: I=imread('xian.bmp'); J=double(I); J=-J+(256-1); %图像反转线性变换 H=uint8(J); subplot(1,2,1),imshow(I); subplot(1,2,2),imshow(H);(1. image reversal The MATLAB program is implemented as follows: I=imread ('xian.b