- This code implements two variations of the paper \"High accuracy optic flow using a theory for warping\" presented at ECCV 2004 by Dr. Thomas Brox.
- Linux下编写的matlab代码,参考文献“Bogdan Alexe, Thomas Deselaers and Vittorio Ferrari, What is an object?”通过计算图像中各窗口的目标性,来实现目标的检测-Reference "Bogdan Alexe, Thomas Deselaers and Vittorio Ferrari, What is an object?", computes the objectness probability for all wi
- Paper "Towards Multi-View Object Class Detection".We present a novel system for generic object class detection. In contrast to most existing systems which focus on a single viewpoint or aspect, our approach can detect object instances from arbitrar
- 最新版XaoS。能快速做分形变换。学习分形算法的可以参考。-XaoS is a fast portable real-time interactive fractal zoomer. It displays the Mandelbrot set (among other escape time fractals) and allows you to zoom smoothly into the fractal. Various coloring modes are provided
- 按如下说明使用此代码: 1.将BC45.rar解压到D:2.将JPEGCode解压到D:3.解压1.Src(自己整理的).rar到D:\JPEGCode目录下 4.运行批处理Build 5.cd src 6.编译生成可执行程序(make) 7.测试代码(make test) 8.清除编译过程文件,包括可执行程序(make clean) 9.体会原版配置编译过程 a)删除3.解压目录 b)解压2.Src(原版).rar到D:\JPEGCode目录下 c
- Sandy3D是由Thomas Pfeiffer于2005年8月创建的基于flash的3d引擎,拥有as2/3/haxe版本,和友好的文档支持与大量官方的教程。由于某些原因,已经于发布了3.1.2版本之后停止了更新。 特性 剔除视锥 高级阴影效果(Phong, Gouraud, CelShading, flat shading) 友好的材质类,支持透明,支持MovieClip Flash player7 - 10的兼容性 可处理多种流行的3D模型格式(C
- 实用的图像挖掘算法,要在Linux下安装。包括,C++实现。安装看ReadMe文件。-The original code (a mix of Matlab and C(++)) was programmed by T. Tuytelaars and V. Ferrari, and was ported to a full C++ implementation by A. Thomas.
visual SLAM
- 照明直观改变视觉SLAM的鲁棒性,2017 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA),作者:Seonwook Park Thomas Sch?ps Marc Pollefeys(Illumination change robustness in direct visual SLAM)