当前论文主要考虑的是非信号依赖的高斯噪声下的图像恢复,本程序实现了泊松噪声下的图像恢复,泊松噪声为信号依赖噪声,能够更加有效逼近实际成像系统噪声。- This is the code that was used in the papers "A Nonnnegatively Constrained Convex Programming Method for Image Reconstruction", "Total Variation-Penalized Poisson Likelihood E
Comparison of the Iterative Stationary of 1st and 2nd order and CG
methods on a Tikhonov regularization inverse problem: -Comparison of the Iterative Stationary of 1st and 2nd order and CG methods on a Tikhonov regularization inverse problem: