- 这是我设计的静态直方图,花了我几天时间 ,希望管理员看看,顺便开通我的账号,能与大家一起研究,为我国的编程行业近一份微薄之力。-This my design of the static histogram, I spent a few days time, administrators hope to see, Incidentally, I opened the account, and you can study together for our programming industry n
- Welcome to Tutorial 9. By now you should have a very good understanding of OpenGL. You ve learned everything from setting up an OpenGL Window, to texture mapping a spinning object while using lighting and blending. This will be the first semi-advance
- XY.Watermark v1.1.0.9 源代码说明文件 Copyright (C) 2002-2004 mikespook & swill all rights recerved. 核心文件在Units目录下,未加注释。 我开放这个程序的代码并不是为了让你篡改版权后发布。个人希望你能从这个代码中受益,发现我的代码中好的,或者不好的东西。如果你觉得我写的代码在某些方面有问题,那么请务必要告诉我。期望共同进步! 再次重申,本代码只可做学习研究之用。对本代码的任何商业行为都将受到BS,并且
- Learning OpenCV: Computer Vision with the OpenCV Library -Learning OpenCV puts you right in the middle of the rapidly expanding field of computer vision. Written by the creators of OpenCV, the widely used free open-source library, this book introduce
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- The texture used for the motion blur is d In the demo application, the following keys are usable: * s - for changing the rendered scene. * t - for changing the FirstRenderTexture flag that is passed to the RenderToMotionBlurTexture procedu
- 该SPEAKN样品汇集了图形输出和声音输出。该SPEAKN示例说明多媒体扩展具有以下编程技术: 实现声音输出使用Platform SDK MMSYSTEM.H头文件中定义的多媒体API 。 使用用户自定义的资源来存储声音和位图的多媒体数据.-The SPEAKN sample brings together graphics output and sound output. The SPEAKN sample illustrates multimedi