- Davinci DM365 搭配MT9P031 Sensor的视频监控器的应用端软件代码,运行于MontaVista Linux,包含了对各种视频图像编解码的算法调度实现,The application src of Davinci DM365 packed with MT9P031 Sensor,runing on MontaVista Linux,includes the algorithm realization for multi-format video
- MCRION CMOS VB演示源码 可用于MICRON一系列CMOS图像传感器芯片的照片 视频处理-MCRION CMOS VB source code can be used to demonstrate a series of CMOS image sensor chip MICRON photos video processing
- 视频捕捉和录像程序,匹配使用aptina 图像传感器芯片-Video capture and video programs, matching the image sensor chip using the aptina
- DE2开发板中文资料DE2 板是以CycloneII 2C35FPGA为特点的672 针引脚的包装。板上所有重要的部件都与板上的芯片相连,使用户能够控制板上各种的操作。-This EE-Note describes how to connect video devices such as the Micron® CMOS Image Sensor to the parallel peripheral interface (PPI) of Blackfin® processor
- Video sensor network for real-time traffi c monitoring and surveillance,08年的ITE论文,对实时监控学习很有帮助。-Video sensor network for real-time traffic monitoring and surveillance, 08-year ITE papers, very helpful for real-time monitoring.
- 基于OPENCV的车辆检测,采用画出虚拟线圈的方法实现车辆的检测,定位,触发-Intelligent transport system(ITS)is currently being studied and the subject of widespread concern in the area of the world transport.These years,the great economic benefit has been gained through ITS,At the
- 单片机最小系统设计,主要有时钟和温度传感器以及键盘扫描芯片。-The software in WinCE is the main control module, and periphery single chip system is the assistant module. The system includes video capture, web server and single chip system, which can catch the real time temperature
- 本书叙述如何使用Python中的OpenCV库实现视频捕捉、图像处理、目标检测等功能。-This book will show you how to use OpenCV s Python bindings to capture video, manipulate images, and track objects with either a normal webcam or a specialized depth sensor, such as the Microsoft Kinect