- “虚拟地景生成系统”是基于Windows2000系统和Visual C++ 6.0平台,利用基本OpenGL函数编程技术开发的三维可视化成果。它通过简单的DEM(数字高程模型)数据,建立格网模型、再根据光照强度、高程值及有关数据建立数学模型,生成晕渲,再将它投影到平面上,达到模拟现实地貌起伏的效果。 本系统采用XP风格界面,清新自然。它具有透射/正射投影切换、漫游、缩放功能。支持分层晕渲、比高设定、平移、旋转、翻滚、视野调节、雾化、纹理贴图(显示/隐藏)等诸多功能,单幅、1MB大小的DEM数据生
- openGL示例(C#)三维显示,模拟真实的物体。-,Visual C++,C#编程/CSharp -(C#) three-dimensional, virtual reality objects. - Visual C, C# Programming / CSharp openGL examples (C#) 3D, a virtual reality objects. - Visual C, C# Programming / CSharp
- 运用OpenGL中的相关算法实现的lighting效果。在Virtual C++ 6.0中,是MFC框架下的,大家可以参考。-OpenGL application to the relevant algorithm of lighting effects. In Virtual C 6.0, MFC is under the framework, we can refer to.
- 对初学者理解c++的抽象继承虚函数等机制相当有用,这是一个画点线多边形的的实例程序。-for beginners to understand the abstract c succession mechanisms such as virtual function very useful. This is a drawing point line polygon examples of the procedure.
- vega prime用于军事仿真或虚拟现实,标准C++代码,VSG内核,集成于MFC中方便用户开发应用程序!,vega prime for military simulation or virtual reality, standard C++ code, VSG core, integrated into MFC in the development and application of user-friendly program!
- Visual C++ 6.0,基于opencv,MFC框架下开发,一个具有视频交互功能的桌面程序,功能类似于例程“Computer Vision Virtual Buttons”,能够实现基于视频交互的虚拟按钮的触发,-Visual C++ 6.0, based on opencv, MFC framework of development, a video interactive features of desktop applications, functions similar to th
- OpenSceneGraph是一款高性能的3D图形开发库。广泛应用在可视化仿真、游戏、虚拟现实、高端技术研发以及建模等领域。使用标准的C++和OpenGL编写而成,可以运行在Windows系列、OSX、GNU/Linux、IRIX、Solaris、HP-Ux、AIX以及FreeBSD操作系统 Cal3d:基于骨骼的角色动画实现 osgCal:针对OSG封装Cal3d,以方便地在OSG里使用Cal3d的库。 osgCal官方没有VC工程,上传的是我自己做的! -OpenSceneG
- Visual c++编写主机端虚拟频谱显示仪!-Visual c++ to prepare the host-side virtual spectrum displays!
- 本程序用于虚拟仿真程序。vega中的物体镜像的功能程序代码实现部分。vc中用C语言实现。-This procedure for the virtual simulation process. vega in the mirror the functions of objects to achieve part of program code. vc using C language
- cal3d虚拟角色动作编辑系统中可用的,在3dsmax中导出的角色动作文件,包括.caf,.cmf,.crf,.csf等-cal3d virtual role is editing system available, in the role of action 3dsmax export files, including. caf,. cmf,. crf,. csf, etc.
- open gl 圖形程式碼 用virtual c++2008做成的 隨便做作請參考-opgl two
- 一个简单的摄像程序 virtual c++开发-A simple camera program virtual c++ development
- 用虚函数求圆,矩形,三角形的周长和,面积和-Seeking to use virtual functions round, rectangle, triangle perimeter and area and
- Virtual C++ 6.0编写的圆内旋轮线,动态演示圆内旋轮线轨迹。Q、W键调整外圆大小,A、S键调整内圆大小,Z、X键调整内圆移动速度。-Virtual C++ 6.0 written round hypotrochoid inner circle dynamic presentation cycloid trajectory. Q, W keys to adjust the outer size, within A, S keys to adjust the inner circle s
- Virtual C++ 6.0编写的圆内旋轮线,2个动圆。动态演示圆内旋轮线轨迹。Q、W键调整外圆大小,A、S键调整内圆1大小,Z、X键调整内圆2大小。-Virtual C++ 6.0 written round hypotrochoid, two moving circle. Cycloid circular trajectory within a dynamic presentation. Q, W keys to adjust the outer size, the size of the
- Virtual C++ 6.0编写的圆内旋轮线,2个动圆。动态演示圆内旋轮线轨迹。Q、W键调整外圆大小,A、S键调整外圆1大小,Z、X键调整外圆2大小。 -Virtual C++ 6.0 written round hypotrochoid, two moving circle. Cycloid circular trajectory within a dynamic presentation. Q, W keys to adjust the outer size, A, S keys to
- 本程序是基于虚拟线圈的流动车速检测程序,平台为VS2010+OpenCV2.4.10(This procedure is based on the virtual coil flow speed detection procedures, the platform for VS2010+OpenCV2.4.10)
- OpenSceneGraph(OSG)是一个基于工业图形标准OpenGL的高层次图形开发APl接口,一款开放源代码的、具备商业级别渲染能力的实时三维渲染引擎,在国内外均已得到广泛的应用,并且已经有越来越多的虚拟现实行业开发者加入到OSG开发的行列中来。(OpenSceneGraph (OSG) is based on a high level graphics development APl interface graphics standard OpenGL, real-time 3D ren
C++ xuhanshu
- 关于C++中虚函数的使用的几个编程例子。(Several programming examples on the use of virtual functions in C++)
C++ jichengandpaisheng
- 关于c++中继承和派生函数的几个示例代码。(Several examples of programming examples about the use of virtual functions in C++ about several examples of inheritance and derived functions in c++.)