- Developing Models from Experimental Data using System Identification Toolbox-1. webinar_walk_through.m: contains all the linear and nonlinear estimation examples presented during the webinar. 2. Data files and Simulink models: process_data.mat,
- Working with large images presents a number of challenges such as managing memory use and leveraging high-performance resources ranging from multicore desktops to clusters and grids. In this webinar you ll discover new features in MATLAB and Ima
- PIVlab - 时间分辨粒子图像测速(PIV)工具: 一种基于GUI的工具,用于预处理,分析,验证,后处理,可视化和模拟PIV数据。 使用MATLAB网络研讨会进行人脸识别代码: 使用MATLAB在线讲座的人脸识别中的主要演示文件。 Gabor特征提取: 该程序生成一个自定义Gabor滤波器组; 并使用它们提取图像特征。 主成分分析: 用于特征提取; 链码: 基于MATLAB的freeman的曲面轮廓描述(PIVlab - time resolved particle