- CColor - RGB and HLS combined in one class The CColor class emerged from the need to manipulate color in the HLS model, meaning I needed the ability to directly change attributes like luminance or saturation. The HLS model makes it very easy to dra
- C++课程设计时做的一个基本图形处理软件,由C++语言编写而成,使用了基本的Graphics.h库文件,自己定义的基本图形类及其操作。可以实现类似Windows\"画图\"的基本功能操作: 能够处理整体或单个图形的左移、右移、上移、下移,放大、缩小、删除、保存、读取等操作。可以设置线型的粗细,可以设置画线的颜色,整个界面都和Windows很相似,菜单,鼠标,键盘,快捷键,等。
- 一个简单的读取图像文件、进行图像处理的开放源码-The CImg Library is an open-source C++ toolkit for image processing. It consists in a single header file CImg.h providing a minimal set of C++ classes and methods that can be used in your own sources, to load/save,
- .NET TWAIN image scanner-Abstract In Windows imaging applications, the most used API for scanning is TWAIN www.twain.org. Unfortunately, the new .NET Framework has no built-in support for TWAIN. So we have to work with the interop methods of .NET t
- opendwg的DWGdirect DRX SDK DrxSDK_2.07.zip-The DWGdirect DRX SDK is a package that allows users to create extensions for DWGdirect-based applications. DRX applications can access the data in a DWG/DXF drawing file, add custom commands to the global DW
- Windows环境下安装GLUT的步骤: 1、将下载的压缩包解开,将得到5个文件 2、在“我的电脑”中搜索“gl.h”,并找到其所在文件夹(如果是VisualStudio2005,则应该是其安装目录下面的“VC\PlatformSDK\include\gl文件夹”)。把解压得到的glut.h放到这个文件夹。 3、把解压得到的glut.lib和glut32.lib放到静态函数库所在文件夹(如果是VisualStudio2005,则应该是其安装目录下面的“VC\lib”文件夹)。 4
- 图像平滑、锐化、中值滤波以及拉普拉斯变换。。h文件如下 #include "windows.h" #define IDM_LOADBMP 1 #define IDM_EXIT 2 #define IDM_SMOOTHING_BOX 40007 #define IDM_SMOOTHING_GAUSS 40008 #define IDM_SHARPENING_LAPLACIAN 40009 #define IDM_HMEDIAN 40046 #define I
- glut-3.7.6-bin。对于OpenGL初学者,你可能要先配置一下自己的vc环境。将"glut.h"放置在"..\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\Include\GL\"目录下;将“glut32.lib”放置在"..\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\Lib\"目录下;将"glut32.dll"放置在"C:\windows\system32\"目录下-glut-3.7.6-bin. OpenGL for beginners, you may
- The Enhanced MetaFile format (EMF) is the native vector graphics file format on Windows. Qt is a cross-platform application development framework, widely used for the development of GUI programs. Although it provides tools for almost every aspect of
- NEHE教程所有源码,对学习OpenGL的初学者有很大的帮助。-#include <windows.h> // Header File For Windows #include <gl\gl.h> // Header File For The OpenGL32 Library #include <gl\glu.h> // Header File For The GLu32 Library #include <gl\glaux.h&g
- 在Windows系统中,安装GLUT库:打开glut-3.7.6-bin.zip,取出glut.h,glut32.lib,glut32.dll,分别放置。 使用Visual Studio C++编译已有项目工程,并修改代码生成以下图形: 在此基础上,修改各顶点颜色,使得每个顶点颜色不一样,多边形内部颜色渐变。 操作方法和实验步骤: 1.使用GL_POLYGON模式绘制白色的多边形,由于所绘多边形为凹多边形,故从最左上角的点开始绘制,以防得到不可预测的图形。注意求得各凹角(refl
- #include <windows.h> //biblioteca do windows... #include <GL/gl.h> //biblioteca gl.h #include <GL/glut.h> //biblioteca glut - ferramentas adicionais-#include <windows.h> //biblioteca do windows... #include <GL/gl.
- CxImage is a C++ class that can load, save, display, transform images in a very simple and fast way. CxImage is open source and licensed under the zlib license. In a nutshell, this means that you can use the code however you wish, as long as you
- OpenGLES显示3D中文源代码。此方法可用于OpenGL。开发环境:Visual Studio 2005 和 Windows Mobile 6.5 Professional。-OpenGLES display 3D Chinese source code. This method can be used for OpenGL. Development Environment: Visual Studio 2005 and Windows Mobile 6.5 Professional.
- BMP Loader - a quick and dirty substitute for GLaux if you only use GLaux to load BMP files will load any format of a windows DIB BMP format graphics file Only works on a windows box Caution! memory for the data is allocated using new . In th
- #include <windows.h> #include <gl/gl u.h> #include <gl/glut.h> #include <math.h>-This is based on opengl development in the VS configuration environment can be used after the
- #include <windows.h> #include <gl/gl u.h> #include <gl/glut.h> #include <math.h>-# Include <windows.h># Include <gl/gl.h># Include <gl/glu.h># Include <gl/glut.h># Include <math.h>
- 绘制一个小的正方形,用键盘的上下左右键控制其进行相应的运动。-/* * This Code Was Created By Jeff Molofee 2000 * A HUGE Thanks To Fredric Echols For Cleaning Up * And Optimizing The Base Code, Making It More Flexible! * If You ve Found This Code Useful, Please Let Me Kn
- 旋转24位真彩色位图.未用windows.h头文件。-rotate bmp
- 这是一个用C语言实现的小项目,开发平台是Dev cpp,基于graphics.h库,程序实现了绘图功能,包括绘制直线、矩形、椭圆等,支持图形拖动和放缩,能够添加文本,可以说是一个简易版的CAD程序,具体功能介绍见资料中的ReadMe.txt(This is a small project implemented in C language. The development platform is Dev cpp. Based on graphics.h library, the program