- The particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm is a new population based search strat- egy, which has exhibited good performance on well-known numerical test problems. How- ever, on strongly multi-modal test problems the PSO tends to suffer prem
- The particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm is a new population based search strat- egy, which has exhibited good performance on well-known numerical test problems. How- ever, on strongly multi-modal test problems the PSO tends to suffer prem
- 本文件主要是针对于粒子群算法在matlab环境中地应用说编写地m文件-This document is primarily aimed at particle swarm optimization (pso) algorithm in matlab application said write m files that have slipped into the environment
- 二维的粒子群算法仿真 上传上来看对大家有没有帮助,很好用-Two-dimensional simulation of particle swarm optimization (pso) to upload on to have a help to everybody, is very useful