- 可以将16bit的位图转为数组处理。这样可以将图像资源直接放入设备的rom中,免得每次从文件系统读取影响速度。-16bit bitmap can be converted to array processing. This image resources directly into the device rom in, lest the impact each time the speed reading from the file system.
- Cairo is a 2D graphics library with support for multiple output devices. Currently supported output targets include the X Window System, Quartz, Win32, image buffers, Postscr ipt, PDF, and SVG file output. Experimental backends include OpenGL (throug
- 运行程序,打开程序主界面,如图1.3所示。本程序主要实现了图像处理、批量转换与处理、PSD文件管理、照片处理等,其中图像处理部分主要是对图像进行各个效果的显示,例如图像的锐化效果、浮雕效果等。批量转换与处理部分主要实现各种图像格式之间的转换,PSD文件管理部分主要是对PSD文件进行浏览和转换操作,照片处理主要用于照片的排版。-Run programs, open the main program interface, as shown in Figure 1.3. This procedure
- 计算机图形学中Bresenham画圆和画线的C++代码,用于VGA等图形显示。Bresenham本人仍在为IBM工作。-Bresenham is a pretty smart cookie (note the use of the word is , last I heard he was still working for IBM). This file contains the algorithms he developped for drawing lines and c
- This file can deal with the threshold of the SBS from the BOTDA system.