- 图像颜色空间的转换.RGB -HSV. -image color space conversion. RGB-HSV.
- IPL库是Intel为了配合其MMX,SSE,SSE2以及将来的VLSW等技术发布的图像处理库 支持1,8,16,位有/无符号,32位有符号,32位浮点类型数据类型。 支持RGB,CMYK,YCACB,YUV,XYZ,色彩空间,支持alpha通道 支持矩形ROI,通道ROI,遮罩 支持分块图像,错误处理,用户定义函数 支持图像数学,几何,滤波,图象统计,色彩空间变换操作。-IPL is the database to accommodate its Intel MMX, SS
- 图像颜色空间的转换_RGB -HSV,非常适合初学者作为例子学习。-image color space conversion _RGB-HSV, very suitable for beginners as an example to study.
matlab 图像彩色空间转换RGB,LUV,XYZ,LAB
- 用matlab实现图像彩色空间RGB,LUV,XYZ,LAB之间的转换-Image RGB color space, LUV, XYZ, the conversion between the LAB
- VB代码,演示在做游戏时,将PSD格式转换成BMP或者JPG格式的程序,而且,在转换时,要将PSD中的空格转成游戏中约定的透明色。-VB code, the demonstration games, PSD format will be converted into BMP or JPG format of the procedure, but the change, the PSD should turn space into the game as stipulated in the tra
- OpenCV编写的图片彩色空间转换MFC程序,同时可以进行视频处理。共五个彩色空间。-A VC MFC program to for color image color-space convertion. 5 color spaces in total.
- 在屏幕上任意绘制一个多边形,在计算机内将其表示为一个以此多边形为底面的正n边棱柱(指定高度),棱柱的各面具有不同的颜色。 用Z-Buffer算法做面消隐; 允许以棱柱中心为固定点,通过输入x, y, z方向的转动角度实现任意角度的旋转(或通过鼠标操作实现任意角度的旋转) ; 投影方式:正平行投影,并假设物体始终在裁剪空间内;-On the screen draw an arbitrary polygon, within the computer as a polygon of its
- Color space conversion is an important kernel in multimedia codecs such as JPEG and MPEG. When implemented using SIMD instructions, however, the performance improvement is often limited due to two reasons. First, corresponding color space com
- Transfer RGB image to all the other color space in the Matlab, like HSV, Lab and so on
- C++ function explodeChannels save 3 channel OpenCV image into 3 separated images in gray-scale where everyone represents one channel in scale-space. Application using this function may be used to analyse color image in different scale-spaces by
- 利用此程序可以进行图像二值化,颜色空间转换、进行各种方法边缘检测、联通区域标定、图像旋转、图像平滑、图像求反、对图像进行灰度化等-This program can use for image binarization, color space conversion, various methods of edge detection, Unicom regional calibration, image rotation, image smoothing, anti-seeking, and s
- 使用C++下的,LAB颜色空间到GRB颜色空间的转换程序-Under C++ LAB color space to the GRB color space conversion process
- 将彩色图像,转化到Lab空间,利用K-means类聚对图像进行分割-The color image is transformed into Lab space, the use of the class of K-means poly image segmentation
- a simple way to detect highlight in endoscopy image. the color in the pixel first transform into HSV color space and then do some judgment and then the result can obtain.
- Lab2RGB takes L, a, and b double matrices, or an M x N x 3 double image, and returns an image in the RGB color space. Values for L are in the range [0,100] while a* and b* are roughly in the range [-110,110]. If 3 outputs are specified, the
- Convert RGB color values to YCbCr color space. used as a part of the color image pipeline in video and digital photography systems. Y′ is the luma component and CB and CR are the blue-difference and red-difference chroma components. Y′ (with prime)
- 用于LAB和RGB空间的颜色转换-For LAB and RGB color space conversion .......
- 颜色空间转换:RGB空间-->ycbcr空间。速度比ColorSpace调用快多了。 调用格式[y, cb, cr] = rgb2ycbcr(img) 输入img: rgb彩色图;y: 亮度,cb:蓝色,cr:红色 调用参考runTest.m-Color space conversion, RGB to ycbcr call format: [y, cb, cr] = rgb2ycbcr(img) input img: rgb image output r: i
- This code is that check RGB color space trans to HSI color space and angle of H channel range cannot larger than 1 and not smaller than -1.
- RGB空间彩色图像的颜色特征直方图,用来提取彩色图片的颜色特征,包括颜色直方图,颜色云图-RGB color space feature color histogram of the image to extract color feature color images, including color histogram, color cloud