matlab 图像彩色空间转换RGB,LUV,XYZ,LAB
- 用matlab实现图像彩色空间RGB,LUV,XYZ,LAB之间的转换-Image RGB color space, LUV, XYZ, the conversion between the LAB
- Transfer RGB image to all the other color space in the Matlab, like HSV, Lab and so on
- 将彩色图像,转化到Lab空间,利用K-means类聚对图像进行分割-The color image is transformed into Lab space, the use of the class of K-means poly image segmentation
- image processing functionality, includes, filters(time and frequency domain), FFT, histogram, hough transform
- Lab2RGB takes L, a, and b double matrices, or an M x N x 3 double image, and returns an image in the RGB color space. Values for L are in the range [0,100] while a* and b* are roughly in the range [-110,110]. If 3 outputs are specified, the
- Lab空间对一幅彩色图像的颜色色图像的分割-Lab space for a picture of a color image color image segmentation