- 从代码仓库中下载的最新的用于二维任意复杂多边形裁剪代码,该代码使用Bala Vatti的多边形裁剪算法,并做了多种扩展和改进,提供多个版本(Delphi Pascal C++ C# )的源码和测试程序和简明的帮组文档,方便用户使用。 sandbox tags trunk-The Clipper Library is based on but significantly extends Bala Vatti s polygon clipping algorithm as describ
- pi reg speed control
- 1、将三次样条插值功能封装成CCubicSplineInterpolation类,所采用的是第二类边界条件:在端点的二阶导数值为0. 2、基于对话框设计了使用界面,通过打开文件夹内的test.xls可以载入全部数据,并可利用上述三次样条类进行单点插值和全部插值。 3、经检验,该程序插值结果与matlab中: pp=csape(a,b, second ,[0 0]) result=ppval(pp,x0) 插值结果一致。-1, will be packaged into a cub
- Lucas-Kanade 跟踪算法,此算法实现了经典Lk跟踪,详细算法参见文章 An Iterative Image Registration Technique with an Application to Stereo Vision (IJCAI), B.D. Lucas and T. Kanade, 7th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), April, 1981, pp. 674-67
Schmidt-Segmentation (HMM heart sound)-Code-master
- Matlab code for the Schmidt HMM-based heart sound segmentation. An example of the implementation of this code can be found in “run_Example_Schmidt_scr ipt.m”. This code is derived from the paper: S. E. Schmidt et al., "Segmentation of heart s