- 用opengl实现三维坐标系,鼠标可以自由旋转,滑轮可以改变视点,投影坐标轴等,Use opengl to achieve three-dimensional coordinate system, the mouse is free to rotate, pulley can change the point of view, projection and other coordinate axis
- 实现点云文件的读取与显示,要求点云文件是DAT文件,文件头是点数乘以3,其后是每个点的具体坐标。可以用鼠标进行交互-The realization of point cloud file to read and display requested document is a point cloud DAT files, the first is multiplied by 3 points, followed by the specific coordinates of each point.
- 建立一个三维坐标系,鼠标的四个键u/d/l/r/n/f控制木棒上下左右前后移动-The establishment of a three-dimensional coordinate system, four button mouse u/d/l/r/n/f control stick up and down before and after moving around
- 坐标拾取,在一个场景中同时渲染飞机和奶牛,奶牛刻线显示,当点击鼠标时奶牛上的刻线消失-Coordinates pick up, in a scene while rendering the aircraft and cows, cows engraved lines show when the mouse click on the grooves when the cows disappear
- qt使用vtk库编写的立体化显示软件,有鼠标事件,可以显示坐标,不用cmake-qt gtk libraries vc compiled cone three-dimensional
- Direct3D 摄像机,灯光,纹理代码(使用Shader)。 具体包括:通过鼠标和键盘控制摄像机;灯光反射,多层纹理融合,自动生成贴图坐标等等。-Direct3D camera, lighting, texture code (using Shader). Including: light reflection, multi-layer texture blending control the camera via mouse and keyboard automatically gen