- This source make CView window under CView using CWnd control. You need Visual C++ 7.1 to read this source project. I create this project on Visual Studio .NET 2003.
sample demo
- This source make CView window under CView using CWnd control. You need Visual C++ 7.1 to read this source project. I create this project on Visual Studio
- ROAM Simplistic Implementation By Bryan Turner brturn@bellsouth.net January, 2000 Project file for MS Visual C++ 6.0. Requires GLUT DLL (www.opengl.org) Adjust program constants in Landscape.h and Utility.cpp. MAPS: Default
- 光线跟踪研究项目。开源,跨平台。实现基本图元和光照处理。-Ray Watch is a cross-platform Ray Tracer written entirely in C++. Currently, the project supports basic primitives and all the finer stuff like reflection, refraction, specularity and soft shadows.
- planet3D 的源码,对地球火星等进行3d模拟-The project uses exclusively the features found in VISUAL C# 2005 Express Edition. Planet 3D is a companion to my Panorama contribution, that has been already posted there.
- Unity的一个GUI包Unity一个2D游戏教程,附工程文件,脚本文件使用C#编写,能基本了解UNITY的特性-2D game tutorial for Unity, with project files-Unity Unity of a GUI package a 2D game tutorial, with project file, scr ipt file written in C#, to a basic understanding of the characteristics of
- a simple 3D Array project made in Visual C++ 2008 Just recompile and it is good to go.-a simple 3D Array project made in Visual C++ 2008 Just recompile and it is good to go.
- Texture checker Board project in opengl c-Texture checker Board project in opengl c++
- Textured Teapot project in opengl c-Textured Teapot project in opengl c++
- Texture Field Sky Zooming project in opengl c-Texture Field Sky Zooming project in opengl c++
- Transformation Hirarchical Road Cars project in opengl c-Transformation Hirarchical Road Cars project in opengl c++
- Walking Robot project in opengl c-Walking Robot project in opengl c++
- Ogre AppWizard帮助你建立Visual C++、Qt等平台的Ogre工程-The Ogre AppWizard help Ogre project you build Visual C++, Qt platform
- 利用OPENGL用C++做成的图像展示工程,此工程展示了一个小恐龙-Use OPENGL made with C++ image display works, this project shows a small dinosaur
- Source Code The code is written in C++ using VisualStudio on Windows platform. 1.Download the HarmonicMapper.zip file, unzip it. 2.Enter Harmonicmapper/HarmonicMapper directory, double click on RiemannMapper.sln file. Compile the project using
- VC/C++源码,其它分类,身份证读卡器 VC++身份证读卡器二次开发例子,用有一些DLL,觉得用处不太大,有空了看下。-Test.dsp This file (the project file) contains information at the project level and is used to build a single project or subproject. Other users can share the project (.
- 一个初学者的漫游镜头 用OpenGL写的-Sokoban C++ based file written with OpenGL
- project membuat kubus 3 dimensi dengan c++ dan opengl
- 3d bicycle which is designed in open gl using visual studio and programmed in c++ this project is all about a 3d bicycle with a pefect image view
- PLplot is a library of C functions that are useful for making scientific plots programs written in C, C++, Fortran77, Fortran95, Java, Octave, Perl, Python, and Tcl/Tk. The PLplot project is being developed by a world-wide team who interact via t