- obj模型格式的opengl源代码 Mac OS X - Install Boost and both the SDL and SDL_image developer package-obj model format for opengl source code for Mac OS X- Install Boost and both the SDL and SDL_image developer package
- 零件的源代码,在工具加载后就可以使用,非常的方便,一会还有另一个再传上来-Parts of the source code, the tool can be used after loading, very convenient, I will send up another
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- blender-2.58a.tar.gz 开源 3D 建模/渲染工具 Linux 平台上最流行的 3D 工具 支持 Windows, Mac 和 Linux-blender-2.58a.tar.gz open source 3D modeling/rendering tools on the Linux platform supports the most popular 3D tool for Windows, Mac and Linux
- 不是本人编的,转自csdndengpengyong,个人能力有限,望谅解。Tetgen是一个生成四面体网格的开源工具,本实例提供了从网上下载的开源的源码和一个简单的使用的示例,其中附带了Tetgen自带了的一个查看剖分出来的网格的工具TetView.exe,可以运行打开剖分出来的文件查看剖分的结果是否正确。-I was not prepared, carried csdndengpengyong, individual ability is limited, hope and understan
- FreeCAD 3D模型工具源码,由Python语言开发,可用于分析和学习(FreeCAD 3D model tool source code,Developed by the Python language, which can be used for analysis and learning)