- 电脑立体图(注视图片将合成立体场景)制作程序代码,代码基于双目视差原理。你想自己制作绚丽多彩的电脑立体图吗,本代码将帮你轻松实现!,Code for making stereogram.Princple of the program is based on binary parallax.If you want to design a colorfull stereogram,download it. And this program can help you to do it easily.
- 详细介绍BSP树(Binary  Space  Partioning  trees,二维空间分割树)的原理和实现。,Introduction to BSP trees in detailed and clear descr iption.
- 读写ply文件的matlab实现。Writes a mesh to a ply file and Reads a ply file (text format). ply files can be in binary format as we-Writes a mesh to a ply file (text format) wich can be read by PlyView from Cyberware and Scanalyze from Stanford University. Both
- From: http://clootie.narod.ru/delphi/download_custom.html Sample demonstrate how to fill ID3DXMesh object from D3DX8 helper classes with your custom data and save final mesh to disk in either binary or text format. As user data face_data.pas was ta
- 熵编码(entropy encoding)是一类利用数据的统计信息进行压缩的无语义数据流之无损编码。本章先介绍熵的基本概念,然后介绍香农-范诺(Shannon-Fano)编码、哈夫曼(Huffman)编码、算术编码(arithmetic coding)、行程编码(RLE)和LZW编码等常用的熵编码方法。 哈夫曼编码建议了一种将位元进位成整数的算法,但这个算法在特定情况下无法达到最佳结果。为此有人加以改进,提供最佳整数位元数。这个算法使用二叉树来设立一个编码。这个二叉树的终端节点代表被编码的字母
- Source Code The code is written in C++ using VisualStudio on Windows platform. 1.Download the HarmonicMapper.zip file, unzip it. 2.Enter Harmonicmapper/HarmonicMapper directory, double click on RiemannMapper.sln file. Compile the project using
- ROAM implementation in javascr ipt using the three.js framework. This is uses binary triangle trees to dynamically tessellate the mesh in order to obtain level of detail terrain in real time.
- 【谷速软件】matlab代写源码-二值图像的形态学变换 可以作为参考使用-Valley] matlab software to write fast code- binary image of morphological transformation can be used as references