- 使用matlab实现凹凸纹理的程序,将一个彩色图片生成灰度图片,然后用本程序可生成彩色图片的凹凸纹理图片-use Matlab texture achieve embossing process will generate a gray color photographs photographs, Then the process of creating color photographs of the rough texture Photo
- 思路: 场景中的每个mesh关联到一个唯一的COLOR值。 Pick检测时, 将当前场景渲染到纹理, (在PS中各mesh仅用自己的关键COLOR),即刻取回当前鼠标的位置的COLOR, 查找COLOR就可以知道当前被Pick的Mesh。 使用Render To Texture 的快速Picking, 无需锁住Vertex Buffer进行三角面和射线的相交测试, 仅在读取数据的时候锁住纹理的一个相素, 但是显卡要支持Render To Texture,纹理尺寸必须支持非2的n次方,D3DF
- 利用Direct3D多达8层的纹理混合,通过设置Direct3D多层纹理混合操作,把纹理层0和纹理层1相混合,绘制出的三维物体就同时具有大理石地板和景物倒影的纹理颜色。-The use of Direct3D up to 8 layers of texture blending, Direct3D by setting the multi-layer texture blending operation, the texture layer 0 and layer 1 texture mixin
- 这是一个旋转的正方体,有光照有颜色,还没有贴纹理-This is a rotating cube, there is light in color, no texture paste
- 对创建和渲染3D模型、从不同的透视角度观察物体、使用着色、光照和纹理贴图使场景更加逼真等有卓越效果。-For creating and rendering 3D models, from the perspective of different objects in perspective, the use of color, light and texture make the scene more realistic, which are excellent results.
- Computer Graphics: The geometry of the shape must be defined by implicit functions. You must use in the function scr ipt at least one set-theoretic intersection, one union and one difference operations implemented using min / max functions. Using
- 透明的地球 文理地球 The MAT file topo.mat has color data representing the different continents on the globe. This example shows how to map this data onto the surface of a sphere-A Texture Map