- 使用C语言实现了两个任意三维立体并运算,并给出了图形用户界面。-use of the C language arbitrary two and three-dimensional computation, and gives a graphical user interface.
- Revoluntion IDL示例程序 Revolution IDL unleashes the power of the IDL Object Graphics architecture by providing a high- level graphical user interface that allows the user to visualize data in a variety of ways, changing properties, positioning objects
- vrml浏览控制的图形界面设计,自动漫游,视点跳转,浏览控制方法的设计。对vrml三维用户界面的设计有很大参考价值。,vrml browser graphical interface designed to control, automatic roaming, Viewpoint Jump, browse the design of control methods. Vrml three-dimensional user interface for the design of great re
- 使用D3D绘制UI的例子,使用三维坐标绘制用户界面-The use of D3D rendering UI example of the use of three-dimensional coordinates of drawing the user interface
- 适于海量数据的三维地层建模方法。依据该建模方 法,最终能够生成具有严格几何、拓扑关系的各地层界面模型。该建模方法具有快速处理海量数据和减少用户干 预建模的特征-Suitable for mass data of the modeling method. Based on the modeling method, eventually generate a strictly geometrical, topological relations of each layer interface
- 课程设计的主要内容为开发一个实时绘制大规模三维场景的程序系统.必做部分: 1、学习3DS Max 的基本功能,并采用3DS Max 对三维场景进行建模,要求 场景中包含建筑物、道路、天空等基本元素,实现场景的纹理贴图功能。 2、通过3DS Loader 读取场景数据。。 3、学习并使用OpenGL 或DirectX 3D 实时绘制上述场景。 4、提供用户界面,并实现场景的交互漫游功能。 选做部分: 1、在场景中添加了三维地形。 2、实现雾这种气象条
- openGL是一个功能比较强大的图形界面接口,应用于计算机图形学。本文档包含了用c/c++编写的多个基于openGL的应用程序,可用于游戏场景,所有代码都可以编辑运行-openGL is a powerful graphical user interface used in computer graphics. This document contains more than one based on openGL application written in c/c++ can be used
- Project Example with GTK graphical user interface, which include a 3D enviroment to make some test (import pointcloud, stl, generating geometries...etc)
- TeeChart控件,很好的三维显示动画-Contrasting various methods of performing hand gestures. The single segment motion provides ease of use whereas no skin contact prevent skin injuries prolonged use of the interface. The touchless aspect of the interface provides
- 计算机辅助设计课程project,使用Javascipt和WebGL编写的球面运动的样条插补,使用Three.js最为图形处理库,包括用户输入界面和Canvas两部分,一起上传的还有算法所基于的论文。-Computer-aided design course project, using Javascipt and WebGL, spherical motion spline interpolation, use of Three.js as graphics processing librar