- magicNet网站上转换图像为代码的源代码,同样基于c++.net,是功能最完善的一个版本,同时不适合初学者看。-Source code from the MagicNet web site,which can convert image to codes, also based on the c++. net, is the most complete version, while not suitable for beginners to refer to.
- 不是源码哦,是文献Age Synthesis and Estimation via Faces: A Survey。你玩过微软推出的How-Old.net测年龄网站么?对,那些算法就是它了。-Human age, as an important personal trait, can be directly inferred by distinct patterns emerging the facial appearance. Derived rapid advances in com
- 很多显著性检测的算法,来自CMm的网站,包含matlab以及opencv;(This solution contains source code from Ming-Ming Cheng's research projects. Please refer to the project page for more source code and research data: http://mmcheng.net/ The source code is for educational a