- 分而治之方法还可以用于实现另一种完全不同的排序方法,这种排序法称为快速排序(quick sort)。在这种方法中, n 个元素被分成三段(组):左段l e f t,右段r i g h t和中段m i d d l e。中段仅包含一个元素。左段中各元素都小于等于中段元素,右段中各元素都大于等于中段元素。因此l e f t和r i g h t中的元素可以独立排序,并且不必对l e f t和r i g h t的排序结果进行合并。m i d d l e中的元素被称为支点( p i v o t )。图1 4
- CxImage is a C++ class that can load, save, display, transform images in a very simple and fast way. CxImage grew together with the CodeProject site, since 2001, and reached this level thanks to the CodeProject community. Thanks a lot for the sug
- 图像处理的方式之一,对图像进行高斯平滑,-One way of image processing, image of the gaussian smooth,
- 采用单向多参考帧的运动估计算法,附1/4像素内插算法,能够实现较准确的运动估计,目前性能稍逊于双向运动估计-Using one-way multi-reference frame motion estimation algorithm, with 1/4 pixel interpolation algorithm, to achieve more accurate motion estimation, the current performance of low achievers in the
- 小波变换源码,国外VC开发的,效果比较好 I ve been involved with wavelet-analysis since my Ph.D studies and over the years developed various wavelet-transforms C++ libraries. This one concerns 2D implementation of the Fast wavelet transform (FWT). The 2D FWT is used i
- Nonparametric Background subtraction classes非参数视频背景建模的一个类,该方法是目前背景建模中最好的方法之一-Nonparametric Background subtraction classes video background of non-parametric modeling of a class that the method is modeling in the present context, one of the best way
- 基于独立分量分析方法的实际分析应用,在图像处理中的新颖性很有实际价值-One-way repeated measures ANOVA is used to analyze the relationship between the independent variable and dependent variable. It is an extension of the correlated-groups t test, where the main advantage is controllin
- 现有的直方图均衡算法在增强图像对比度的同时, 输出图像的亮度与输入图像无关, 并且在均衡区域产生亮度饱和现象,提出了一种新的直方图均衡算法。以亮度保持的双直方图均衡算法( B B HE )为基础,改进其对子图像的分类方式:根据直方图对图像进行多峰值分解,得到一系列不同范围的子图像,然后对每一个子图像在其相应的灰度范围内进行直方图均 衡, 最后合并这些子图像的均衡结果。实验结果表明,直方图均衡新算法不仅在保持了输出图像亮度的同时, 而且非常有效 的解决了在原图像均衡区域产生的亮度饱和问题对图像的影
- 在视频编解码中,存在着两种不同的图像质量评价方式。一种方式是采用观察者的主观 感觉进行判断;另一种方式是采用客观的图像质量评价方式。这两种评价方式各有优点,但 也有不同的缺陷。主观质量评价的优点在于考虑了具体的需求,能够与观察者交互,但是其 缺点是太具有随意性, 很难给出定量的评价; 客观质量评价的优点在于能够给出定量的评价, 但存在的问题是目前还不能找到一种能够普遍适用的客观质量评价方法-In video coding, there are two different imag
- one useful way to generate computer generated hologram
- This paper presents a novel adaptive algorithm to detect the center of pupil in frontal view faces. This algorithm, at first, employs the viola-Jones face detector to find the approximate location of face in an image. The knowledge of the face
- 支持向量机(svM)是一种新的机器学习技术。本文采用一对一方法构建多分类SVM 分类器。利用常用的灰度共生矩阵方法提取图像纹理特征,组成特征向量,输入构建好的SVM 多分类器中进行分类。对从Brodatz纹理库中选取的4张纹理图像进行了分类实验,取得较好的 分类结果-Support vector machine (svM) is a new machine learning techniques. In this paper, one way to build a multi-cla
- 用VC编的没有图形界面的实验器材管理程序,有文件操作,使用单向链表结构-Not compiled with VC GUI test equipment management procedures, file operations, using one-way linked list structure. .
- Active Contour (or Snake) Model is recognized as one of the efficient tools for 2D/3D image segmentation. How- ever, traditional snake models prove to be limited in sev- eral aspects. The presentpaper describes a set of difision equations applied ro
- 帧率倍频全搜索单向双向运动估计两种的程序-Frame rate multiplier search program of one-way two-way two
- fisher Linear Discrimination-The kernel of the Fisher Linear Discrimination is to find a projected direction. In this way, we can transfer a multi-dimensional problem to an uni-dimensional one.
- 能够用于解决摄影测量图形学中的单向前方交会问题-Photogrammetry can be used to solve a one-way intersection graphics issues
- 图像预分割为一个个超像素,在用谱聚类或者其他方法做图像分割时减轻计算量-Image pre-segmented into one super-pixel, reducing the amount of computation using spectral clustering or any other way to do image segmentation
- 主要思想是从两幅图像中选取信息,然后置乱成一幅图像。 这样可以从要加密的多幅(2*n幅)图像中,按照上述思想,得到一半数目(n幅)的图像。 对得到的图像进行自适应算法的隐藏,又可以得到(n-1)幅的图像。 对(n-1)幅的图像进行Arnold变换,得到(n-1)幅的图像作为密钥,此外,密钥还有迭代次数,置乱规则,Arnold加密规则 主要缺点是Arnold的周期较大,程序的运行的时间长些,我的电脑需要8分钟,另外,Arnold只能处理方阵 图像的置乱加密算法很多,
- 这是一个VB的单向空间前方交会的代码,适合从事摄影测量和遥感的朋友-This is a one-way space forward intersection of VB code, suitable for photogrammetry and remote sensing