the code conducts the image compression of the gray scale image up to 90 using 4 algos fft wavelet pca and cosine transform-the code conducts the image compression of the gray scale image up to 90 using 4 algos fft wavelet pca and cosine transform
1 SIFT 发展历程
SIFT算法由D.G.Lowe 1999年提出,2004年完善总结。后来Y.Ke将其描述子部分用PCA代替直方图的方式,对其进行改进。
2 SIFT 主要思想
3 SIFT算法的主要特点:
a) SIFT特征是图像的局部特征,其对旋转、尺度缩放、亮度变化保持不变性,对视角变化、仿射变换、噪声也保持一定程度的稳定性。
b) 独特性(Distinctive
This toolbox is meant to facilitate the manipulation of images and video in Matlab. Its purpose is to complement, not replace, Matlab's Image Processing Toolbox, and in fact it requires that the Matlab Image Toolbox be installed. Emphasis has been pl
非常经典的特征提取算法,经常用来做降维方法,但是也可以直接用来做特征提取,很适合图像处理入门,在人脸识别也经常用到(Very classic feature extraction algorithm, often used to do dimensionality reduction methods, but can also be used directly to do feature extraction, it is suitable for image processing, in fa
使用pca方法对图像进行特征提取,对训练集的20个人的共一百张人脸进行训练,使用adaboost算法生成强分类器,可以对测试集的人脸图片进行识别,且识别率较高(The PCA method is used to extract the features of the image, and the training is carried out for a total of 100 faces of 20 people in the training set. The AdaBoost algor