- 用VB做的PHOTOSHOP I love pencil drawing and there s nothing to beat pencil and paper. ,VB PHOTOSHOP I love pencil drawing and there s nothing to beat pencil and paper.
- 使得在Photoshop可以使用HD Photo。HD Photo是微软公司开发的一款集合无损压缩和有损压缩于一身的图像压缩算法。-Made in Photoshop you can use HD Photo. HD Photo is Microsoft' s development of a set of lossless and lossy compression in an image compression algorithm.
- 老外写的开源图形图像处理软件,包含很多滤镜,虽没有photoshop的功能强大,但比windows自带画图功能强大的多但很多关键源码已被封死,已组件形式包含在其中,vs2005编译-An open source graphics image processing software by foreigners, including a lot of filters, although not more powerful than photoshop, but better than windows
- 手头有图片要处理,但是机器上没有安装Photoshop?那就来试试“迷你版Photoshop” - Paint.NET吧。 Paint.NET是一款由美国华盛顿州大学开发,为微软官方支持的一个高级研究生设计项目,旨在为用户提供一个免费的强大的微软绘图板替代软件。不过随着Paint.NET项目的深入研发,Paint.NET的表现已经远远超于最初的目标,无论是从功能上还是效率上都已经达到了一款专业图形处理软件的水准。 -Pictures on hand to deal with, but n
- Delphi开发的图象处理软件,类似于Photoshop。源代码主要从网络上收集来的,用来以后感觉不错,上传上来给大家一起共享。-Delphi developer' s image processing software, similar to Photoshop. The main source collected from the network, and to feel good after, post it here for everyone to share.
- GIMP的源码,对图形处理的学习者有很大的帮助,它 是 GNU 图像处理程序(GNU Image Manipulation Program)的缩写。包括几乎所有图象处理所需的功能,号称Linux下的PhotoShop。-GIMP' s source code, graphics learners of great help, it is the GNU Image Manipulation Program (GNU Image Manipulation Program) acronym.