- 该matlab代码实现了plsa算法。plsa全称是概率隐语义分析,是一个非常重要的隐语义分析模型。-This matlab code implements plsa algorithm, which is the short of probability latent semantic analysis and is a very important latent semantic analysis model.
- 一种基于期望最大化( E M) 算法的局部图像特征的语义提取方法。首先提取图像的局部图像特 征, 统计特征在视觉词汇本中的出现频率, 将图像表示成词袋模型; 引入文本分析中的潜在语义分析技术建立从低层图像 特征到高层图像语义之间的映射模型; 然后利用 E M 算法拟合概率模型, 得到图像局部特征的潜在语义概率分布; 最后利 用该模型提取出的图像在潜在语义上的分布来进行图像分析和理解。-Latent Semantic probability distribution using the EM
- CVPR2012_oral Weakly Supervised Structured Output Learning for Semantic Segmentation-We address the problem of weakly supervised semantic segmentation. The training images are labeled only by the classes they contain, not by their location in t
- 用vc开发的三维模型标准器:主要用于三维模型的分割,分割后的语义标注。-Vc development of three-dimensional model of the standard device: three-dimensional model is mainly used to split, split semantic annotation.