- 分而治之方法还可以用于实现另一种完全不同的排序方法,这种排序法称为快速排序(quick sort)。在这种方法中, n 个元素被分成三段(组):左段l e f t,右段r i g h t和中段m i d d l e。中段仅包含一个元素。左段中各元素都小于等于中段元素,右段中各元素都大于等于中段元素。因此l e f t和r i g h t中的元素可以独立排序,并且不必对l e f t和r i g h t的排序结果进行合并。m i d d l e中的元素被称为支点( p i v o t )。图1 4
- 为了方便广大开发人员及软件公司开发专业的图形软件,本团队多位图形领域专家花费多年的心血开发出功能强大且小巧的图形控件,本控件可非常方便应用于各种开发平台上。如:VC,VB,C++Builder,Delphi,C#及Web图形开发,方便快捷!可大大缩短开发周期。本控件经过严格测试,在可靠性、易用性、开放性作了大量细致工作。控件不仅在支持基本的图形元素外(点、线、圓等),而且非常方便扩充自己的图形元素 -To facilitate the development of the vast number
- TPicShow is an image slider control with 171 transitional effects in pure Delphi code. The major characteristics of TPicShow are: Image transition can be controlled programmatically Image can be stretched or centered in the client area of the
- 使用DELPHI 编写的实现三角形 以及可以推广到多边形窗体 自己参考源码 进行修改-prepared to use Delphi as well as the realization of triangular polygons can be promoted to Form reference to source code changes
- 软件功能是实现在JPG中截取固定大小的图像并保存为JPG文件,可用于照片采集等应用,Software functions is to achieve in the JPG in the interception of fixed-size images and save it as a JPG file that can be used for applications such as photo collection
- 实现了读取bmp图像到矩阵的转换,是个很好的头文件,直接引入就能用,this code can covert bmp to matrix,
CAD_Import_VCL_v6.1. CAD Import VCL v6.1
- CAD Import VCL v6.1 是一套非常好用的图形处理控件(带源码),用于DELPHI,C++Builder ,只要简单几行代码便可轻松获得CAD软件的显示效果.还可处理多种常见图片格式., CAD Import VCL v6.1 is a very easy to use graphics processing control (with source) for DELPHI, C++ Builder, a simple few lines of code can be
- 用Dephi做的一个图像处理软件,可以对图像进行直方图均衡化、空域几何变换、频域变换及增强、图像恢复、图像分割-Dephi do with an image-processing software, you can image histogram equalization, space geometric transform, frequency domain transform and the enhanced image restoration, image segmentation, et
- 模拟足球场绘制,可逼真绘出3D造型,可旋转,改变视角等-Simulated soccer field map can be drawn realistic 3D modeling, can be rotated to change the perspective, etc.
- 粒子系统, 用DELPHI的单线程实现料子系统,可以作为多线程或为的参考!-Particle system, using DELPHI material to achieve the single-threaded system, can serve as a multi-threaded or for reference!
- 封装了10个常用图像处理的API函数,方便VC、VB、Delphi等开发工具调用。各API函数可以处理24位彩色图像。包括锐化,滤波,几何变换,形态学变换等。图像处理必备的好东西。-Package of 10 commonly used image processing API function,can be easily called by VC, VB, Delphi and other development tools . The API function can handle 24-
- 可以载入多种图片格式,达到为场景中的贴图效果-Will load a 24bit BMP, JPG or TGA files as a textures. The texture can also be loaded from the applications resource file.
- 基于空间算法的数字水印,用 Delphi 7 编写的,只能支持 8 位图像,超过 8 位就只能将它转换为 8 位。-Space-based digital watermarking algorithm using Delphi 7 to prepare and can only support 8-bit images, more than eight can only be converted to 8.
- 个人图形系统,可绘制简单图形,并保存成矢量图。-Personal graphics system can draw a simple graph, and save as vector.
- 关于图像比对的Delphi程序,能够自动比较俩幅图像的相似度-Images than on the Delphi program that can automatically compare the similarity of both images
- 对图片进行灰度化,二值化处理,还可以对图片进行腐蚀,膨胀处理.-Based on the image to grayscale, binary processing, the picture can also erosion and dilation processing.
- 一个可以制作任意形状按扭或窗体的控件,可以通过一张图片覆盖到控件本身,通过计算让控件变成相应的形状,很好用的图形图像编成控件,带demo.-A graphic component that can used to create almost all kinds of polygon form or button etc, it can shape the button s apperence as the image covering upon it accordingly. that is v
- delphi的车牌识别程序源码,可将定位好的车牌图像识别成牌照号码-delphi license plate recognition program source code, you can locate a good license plate image recognition into the license number
- delphi使用Zint Barcode Library (zint.dll)生成QRCODE,使用zint.dll最新2.6.0版,可处理中文内容。(Delphi, using Zint Barcode Library (zint.dll) to generate QRCODE, using the latest version of 2.6.0 , can handle Chinese content.)
- 可以使用的屏幕标尺,非常有学习帮助的程序(You can use the screen ruler, very helpful to learn the procedures)