- DecklinkHistogram is a simple dialog based Microsoft Windows video capture and preview application. It uses the Sample Grabber Filter and the ISampleGrabber interface to extract samples from a capture graph and into an application for in order to per
- 由视频提取帧图像 并进行分析 从而得到路面上经过某一个地点的的车辆信息-Extract frames from the video image and analyzed to get the road through a particular location on the vehicle information
- Tracking w/ blob detection, morphological operation (Togeather) frames = {avi.cdata} uses the cdata from the video file fg = extractForeground(frames) do foreground extraction cmap = colormap(gray) for i = 1:length(fg) temp0{i} = edg
- 就如何从视频序列中分割出具有语义意义的运动对象 ,本文提出了一种自动的基于背景的运动对象分割算法 ,利用颜色、形状和灰度等特征对第一帧图像进行初步分割 ,然后根据帧间运动信息构造背景图像 ,最后以背景图像和帧差图像作为参考图像 ,对同一场景中的所有视频帧进行快速可靠的分割 。-On how to split out from the video sequences of moving objects with semantic meaning, this paper presents a con
- 用于视频图像、多帧图像序列背景建模,提取出复杂背景图像!-For video image frames of image sequences, background modeling, extracted from complex background image!
- 对HDR图像进行读、写、操作、浏览的源码。包含了利用多曝光图像合成HDR图像,tone mapping,等功能。亦可与GNU、Matlab等集成。-pfstools- a set of programs for reading, writing, manipulating and viewing high-dynamic range (HDR) images and video frames. pfscalibration- photometric calibration of cameras
- 以镜头光圈分类 镜头有手动光圈(manual iris)和自动光圈(auto iris)之分,配合摄象机使用,手动光圈镜头适合于亮度不变的应用场合,自动光圈镜头因亮度变更时其光圈亦作自动调整,故适用亮度变化的场合。-This paper describes an end-to-end method for extracting moving targets from a real-time video stream, classifying them into predefined ca
- 基于MATLAB编写的视屏提取每一帧,并保存为彩色图像的代码-extracting frames from Video and save frames into RGB Pic,based on m language
- Abstract—This paper presents a comparative study of two competing features for the task of finding correspondence points in consecutive image frames. One is the Harris corner feature and the other is the SIFT feature. First, consecutive fram
- 里面包含了步态识别的整一套流程的代码实现,包括从视频流里面提取图片帧,背景建模,提取运动目标(运动检测),形态学处理(膨胀与腐蚀,连通性检测),归一化大小,步态能量图的构建,主成分分析(PCA)降维,线性判别分析(LDA)分类等等功能的代码实现。均通过测试。-Contains the gait recognition of the whole process of a set of code, including the extraction and picture frames from th
- 这个程序是用来实现从一段视频中提取出所有帧图像,并用提取出来的两帧图像来做运动补偿预测-This program is used to extract frames from a video,but the video s format should be .avi .Also,the extracted frames can be used to do motion compensation.
- matlab编写的视频关键帧提取程序,可自动从视频中提取帧,提取第几帧可在程序中自行设定,另附有批量处理视频的主函数。-matlab prepared video key frame extraction procedures can be automatically extracted from video frames to extract the first few frames can be set in the program, batch processing video attac
- 从视频提取帧,将视频中的每一帧图像作为图片形式储存在预定的根目录下-Extracted video frames
- 使用Matlab基于直方图、欧式距离和马氏距离实现视频镜头分割-This project takes a video as input and converts it into frames. From the numerous frames it identifies only a few number of frames which are the key frames. Key frames are identifies by implementing Histogram analysis
- 一种综合多种算法的车辆检测和追踪方法,运行时间较长,但效果很棒(We implement a system for vehicle detection and tracking from traffic video using Gaussian mixture models and Bayesian estimation. In particular, the system provides robust foreground segmentation of moving vehicles