非常好的人脸以及人眼检测的例子。OpenCV支持的目标检测的方法是利用样本的Haar特征进行的分类器训练,得到的级联boosted分类器(Cascade Classification)。注意,新版本的C++接口除了Haar特征以外也可以使用LBP特征。-Very good example of the human face and the human eye to detect. OpenCV supported target detection method is carried out us
this file combines c++ and opencv,it can detect humanbody in a seris of images,the image can be a video file。It uses HOG operater to make the moving object is human。
利用opencv检测图像中的人脸,若人脸存在,则标出人脸在图像中的位置。-Using opencv detect images of the human face, if the face is present, mark the position of the face in the image.
在VC6.0环境下,借助openCV函数库,对视频中的人脸进行检测,并实时跟踪,然后用Haar特征的分类器定位人脸,并检测瞳孔存在与否,提取关于眼睛的疲劳信息-In VC6.0 environment, with the aid of openCV function library, to detect human faces in video, and real-time tracking, positioning and use characteristics of Haar classif
MFC实现的人脸检测,可以检测人脸位置,并标记眼睛、嘴巴、鼻子。没有使用OPENCV库函数,完全C语言实现。-MFC implementation of face detection that can detect human face position, and mark the eyes, mouth, nose. OPENCV library function is not used entirely in C language implementation.