自已的作业,编写一个基于GUI的图像处理程序/软件,实现功能有打开图像,直方图、直方图匹配、二值化,边界检测,旋转、放大、缩小、图像卷绕开闭处理等-Own work, write a GUI-based image processing program/software to achieve the functionality to open image, histogram, histogram matching, binarization, edge detection, rotation,
本程序是基于MATLAB GUI 的一个界面,实现了“打开一幅图像,在图像上画多边形和矩形”的功能,同时还可以选择不同的线型和颜色,是初步学习GUI的很好的例子。-This procedure is based on a MATLAB GUI interface, " open an image, in the image to draw polygons and rectangles" , but can also choose a different line type an
使用MATLAB GUI用户界面实现对打开的图像进行直方图均衡化,加噪(设置均值和方差),旋转(设置旋转角度)并保存。-MATLAB GUI user interface to open image histogram equalization, plus noise (set the mean and variance), rotation (to set the rotation angle) and save.
使用MATLAB GUI用户界面实现对打开的图像进行灰度直方图、直方图均衡化、统计直方图(算法实现)、亮度和对比度调整(可设置大小)处理,并保存。-MATLAB GUI user interface to open image histogram, histogram equalization, the statistical histogram (algorithm), brightness and contrast adjustment (set size) processing, and
一个采用matlab GUI界面设计的工具盒,根据《冈萨雷斯数字图像处理》内含整体界面,通过不同的界面启动对应章节的程序,打开这个程序分别有各章节的滤波,图像处理,身份证数字切割识别等功能,运行时请打开:matlabtoolbox.m-One using matlab GUI interface design tool box, under " Gonzalez Digital Image Processing" includes the whole interface, th
利用MATLAB,使用GUI实现数字图像处理的基本功能,包括打开图像-The use of MATLAB, use the GUI to achieve the basic functions of digital image processing, including open image
使用Matlab GUI界面编写的图像分割程序,实现功能有:图像的打开、保存、阈值法、双峰法、迭代法等。-Written in Matlab GUI interface using image segmentation procedures, functions: image open, save, threshold, bimodal method, iterative method.
使用Matlab GUI界面编写的图像傅立叶变换程序,实现功能有:图像的打开、保存、图像旋转、X轴、Y轴平移,并画出图像的幅度谱和相位谱。-Matlab GUI interface using Fourier transform image prepared procedures to achieve functions: image open, save, image rotation, X-axis, Y-axis translation, and draw the image amplit
使用Matlab GUI界面编写的图像灰度化程序,实现功能有:图像的打开、保存、灰度化等。-Written in Matlab GUI interface using gray image program to achieve functions: image open, save, gray and so on.
使用Matlab GUI界面编写的图像平滑程序,实现功能有:图像的打开、保存、加入高斯噪声,椒盐噪声,乘法噪声,用均匀模版、加权模版中值滤波对图像进行平滑等。-Written in Matlab GUI interface using image smoothing procedures, functions: image open, save, adding Gaussian noise, salt and pepper noise, multiplication noise with uni
使用Matlab GUI界面编写的图像锐化程序,实现的功能包括:图像的打开、保存、使用“sobel算子”、“prewitt算子”、“roberts算子”、“log算子”、“canny算子”、“zero-cross算子”、“laplacian算子”对图像进行锐化等。-Written in Matlab GUI interface using image sharpening procedures, functions include: the image open, save, use the &
使用Matlab GUI界面编写的图像锐化程序,实现的功能包括:图像的打开、保存、图像直方图和直方图均衡等。-Written in Matlab GUI interface using image sharpening procedures, functions include: the image open, save, image histogram and histogram equalization.
本程序集合了互信息配准,PV差值,powell算法,基于小波变换的图像融合的一整套算法。只需要在GUI界面输入两幅图像,即可自动完成图像的配准融合。程序包含Matlab源代码。用Matlab打开imagefusion.m,即会弹出gui界面。融合前要输入参考和浮动图像。图像要求像素的 长*宽 一样。否则会报错。程序只能处理灰度图像,彩色图像也会转化成灰度图像处理。程序代码已经有详细的注释,方便读者理解。-The procedures set of mutual information, PV d
自编的matlab gui小程序。功能包括:打开文件夹、在列表框中显示打开文件夹下的所有图像文件、点击列表框中图像则显示图像,并给出图像宽度高度信息在文本框中-Directed the matlab gui applet. Features include: Open the folder to display all the image files open folder in the list box, click on the image list box displays the ima
MATLAB的用户图像界面(GUI)(源码可见),可直接运行,依次为打开原图-三分图开输出alpha图,接着打开背景图可合成新图像-MATLAB user graphical interface (GUI) (source visible), can be directly run, followed by open the original- plans to open three-point output alpha map, and then open a new background i
用matlab写的一个基于GUI的图像处理软件,可以实现裁剪、旋转、翻转、缩放、锐化、添加马赛克、模糊等操作,并含有打开、另存为、退出、撤销、还原等功能。软件课程设计时自己写的,可以直接运行,界面简洁友好。-Using matlab to write a GUI-based image processing software, which can achieve crop, rotate, flip, zoom, sharpen, add mosaic, fuzzy and other oper
实现图像的开,闭,腐蚀,骨骼提取sobel算子,robert算子等图像后处理过程(image open close erosing etc)