- 自动域值变换,见程序,用于图象二值化,可用于电子警察中的号拍定位-automatically transform domain values, see procedures for the two binary images can be used for electronic police, the shoot location
- 该算法是对鱼眼镜头拍出来的图片进行几何校正,但还有没有完善的地方。 本着开源的精神,请不要用于商业用途。,The algorithm is a fisheye lens to shoot pictures out the geometric correction, but there are no perfect place. In the spirit of open source, please do not for commercial purposes.
- 代码中都你如何在一张相片中加入Exif信息.Exif信息中包含了诸如曝光、ISO、GPS坐标等许多有用的信息.如果您的拍照软件拍完照片.并想在照片中加入自定信息时.请看源码!-The code is how you add a photo Exif information. Exif information includes information such as exposure, ISO, GPS coordinates, and many other useful information.
- 关于低空高射武器观瞄系统的图像稳定技术的处理及算法。-Low altitude high shooting weapon is an integr al par t of the modern aerial defense system. Cooperating w ith missile and high shoot ing aerial defense system, it can buildup effect ive low altitude def
- 计算X光机拍出一幅图像的灵敏度,这个已经经过多次验证的-Calculation of the sensitivity of the X-ray machine to shoot an image, this has after repeated verification
- 计算X光机拍出的一幅图像有多少个坏点,就有多个少个像素不正常的点,经过反复验证了的。-Calculated X-ray machine to shoot the number of dead pixels in the image, there are multiple small pixels normal point, after repeated verified.
- 一个获取图片exif信息的源码,当需要提取图片exif信息属性时非常有用,尤其在获取图像处理中需要获取图片拍摄时间。-Get the picture exif information of a source, when the need to extract pictures exif information attributes useful, especially in obtaining the need to obtain a photo shoot time image process
- Cannon 5D MARK2 拍的RAW模式图片读取,网上很难找的,要用的EDSDK-Cannon 5D MARK2 shoot RAW mode images read, difficult to find online, use the EDSDK
- 鱼眼镜头拍摄标定程序,将鱼眼镜头拍摄视频实时处理,进行标定,然后进一步还原,可达到较好效果-Fisheye shot calibration procedure, the fisheye lens to shoot video in real-time processing, calibrated, and then a further reduction can be achieved better results
- 对一张拍歪A4纸做投射矫正,使用了Canny算子、Hough变换等比较流行的技术,但重点在于排除无关直线的方法,做的还算比较完美,但是仍然存在不少的问题-A4 paper to do a shoot crooked projection correction, using the Canny operator, Hough transform technology more popular, but the focus is to exclude irrelevant straight line
- 一个最简洁的MFC 调用opencv显示摄像头拍摄画面的小程序。只要把链接库放好就可以用了-One of the most succinct MFC opencv calls a camera to shoot pictures of small programs.
- 关于图片的小波压缩,设计的理论基础,对自己拍的图片的压缩处理-Wavelet image compression on the theoretical basis for the design of their own to shoot pictures of the compression process
- 单目标定很好用的程序,对于单目摄像机的一个标定。张正友博士的方法,对于摄像机标定,切记标定板不能用手机拍摄,因为手机拍摄是变焦的-Single objective of the program is very good, for a single camera calibration. Dr. Zhang Zhengyou s method for camera calibration, remember that the camera calibration board can not be
- 大学生经常用手机拍摄PPT,但拍摄的PPT由于角度问题,大多有空间形变,也没有占满整个屏幕。本程序实现PPT自动定位矫正算法,通过连通域标定识别PPT的四个角,通过投影变换矫正PPT形状。我制作了GUI界面,运行“demo_gui.m”即可。此外提供了20张示例ppt,以便演示。详细信息以及算法的具体实现见压缩包内的“readme.pdf”-College students often use mobile phones to shoot PPT, but the shooting of the
- COLMAP开源源码 COLMAP是一种通用的动态结构(SfM)和多视图立体声(MVS)管道,具有图形和命令行界面。可以方便的对一系列二维图片进行三维重建不用对摄像机进行标定,只需要从不同角度对重建场景或物体进行拍摄得到一系列图像作为输入。(Colmap open source COLMAP is a general-purpose Structure-from-Motion (SfM) and Multi-View Stereo (MVS) pipeline with a graphical