- X 光图象处理,用于图像的放缩,预处理,自动判级等工作-X-ray image processing for image zoom, pre-processing, automatic level, etc.
- 兴趣区域选取,扩展兴趣区选取的功能,不必局限于圆形或方形轮廓落形态-Most ROI Drawing Tools limit you to either drawing a circular ROI or a rectangular ROI perpendicular to the X-Y axis. ROI Draw s primary purpose is to expand upon the drawing of rectangular ROI s by allowing you to d
- 模拟X射线不均匀照射(此处为一边暗,一边亮),生成一幅随机图像,按国家标准计算图像的均匀度,并将这幅图像以RAW格式和DICOM格式保存到硬盘上.-Simulation of non-uniform X-ray irradiation (in this case the dark side, light side), to generate a random image, according to national standards for the calculation of the eve
- 可以检测图像中圆和直线的信息,有利于初学者使用学习。-Edge detection has played an important role in the field of computer vision. A parametric edge detection method based on recursive mean-separate image decomposition is introduced. A method for automatic parameter selection
- Algorithm to remove salt-pepper-noise from x-ray images. No image processing toolboxes are needed.
- 脊柱X光图片的预处理以及一块椎骨的预处理和边缘轮廓提取-Spine X-ray images of the pretreatment and the pretreatment and the edge of a vertebra contour extraction
- 简单计算机层析成像投影图像仿真软件,具体功能为射线与图像相交,所得到的线段的长度。用于X射线投影有关用途。-Simple computer tomography projection image simulation software, the specific function is getting the segment length of the ray with the image. It is for X-ray projection .
- 对图像灰度(浓淡)空间分布模式的提取和分析。纹理分析在遥感图像、 X射线照片、细胞图像判读和处理方面有广泛的应用。-Image grayscale (shades) distribution pattern extraction and analysis. In remote sensing image texture analysis, X-ray photographs, cell image interpretation and processing a wide range of app
- 股骨X射线片的预处理与边缘检测,非常好用,同样适合于其他灰度图像的边缘检测-X-ray films of the femur with the pre-edge detection is very easy to use, also suitable for other gray-scale image edge detection
- 一个X光图像处理与分析系统软件源码代码,提供图像处理的多种功能,适于医学图像分析。-An X-ray image processing and analysis software source code, to provide image processing functions, for medical image analysis.
- 一些医学图片,供下载,谢谢,肩膀图片 有X光,CT图片等-Some medical images for download, thank you, shoulder X-ray pictures are, CT images, etc.
- A Texture based Tumor detection and automatic Segmentation. A thesis written in detecting tumors in x-ray or CT images. Field is into image processing.
- 该函数用于计算X射线透视图像的材料灰度图,需要具体交流的联系我qq:732317342-This function is used to calculate the X ray image material grayscale, require specific exchange contact me QQ: 732317342
- 乳腺X线图像增强质量评价的MATLAB程序,这里使用对比度和DSM两种评价方法对乳腺X线图像增强方法的优劣做一个客观的评价。-Breast X-ray image enhancement the quality assessment of the MATLAB program, where the use of contrast and DSM two evaluation methods to make an objective assessment of the pros and cons
- 人体骨骼的X光扫描图转化成医学上可以直接使用的骨骼图-X-ray scan of the human skeleton into the bone diagram can be used directly in the medical
- 运动模糊图像处理,通常我们得到的x光片等可能会存在一些运动伪影,为了更好的得到感兴趣区域,我们需要对图像进行处理-The motion blur image processing,Usually ultrasound images or some X-ray will have some motion artifacts.In order to eliminate the artifact to the influence of the interested region,we need to
- 计算X光机拍出一幅图像的灵敏度,这个已经经过多次验证的-Calculation of the sensitivity of the X-ray machine to shoot an image, this has after repeated verification
- 计算X光机拍出的一幅图像有多少个坏点,就有多个少个像素不正常的点,经过反复验证了的。-Calculated X-ray machine to shoot the number of dead pixels in the image, there are multiple small pixels normal point, after repeated verified.
- 用于X射线检测图像去噪的巴特沃思低通滤波器-Used for denoising image detection X ray Butterworth low-pass filter
- 背景:快速的将心脏按其特征进行聚类可为后续统计分析和研究带来很大的便利.系统聚类法是将样品或变量按照其性质上的亲疏相似程度进行分类的一种多元统计方法.目的:提出用主成分一聚类分析的方法来描述心脏形态学形状并进行分类,对中国健康成年人的心脏X射线测量的各项指标进行综合评价.方法:搜集了36例健康成年人的胸片,并用MxLiteView软件手动测量了每幅胸片中代表心脏形态学形状常用的10个指标,用Matlab软件对测量指标进行主成分分析,然后对提取出的主成分进行聚类.结果与结论:主成分分析后提取出3个