- 本算法是浮动窗体中的OpenGL多视图的实现,实现球体的旋转,前后移动。-the algorithm is floating the OpenGL Form Multi-View the realization of ball rotation, moving around.
- 自己编写的一个基于OpenGL的反弹球小程序,鼠标点击中间的小球可使其运动,并在盒子中反弹,根据点击位置的不同会有不同的运动轨迹。可通过键盘进行改变视角等操作,可作为OpenGL入门的参考-A OpenGL-based program, the bouncing ball. Click on the ball, and the ball will start moving, the path is based on the point you click. You can also change
- glut32编制的运动小球,可以用于学习glut32编程-glut32 prepared ball movement, can be used to learn programming glut32
- 三个小球在空间中运动,碰到墙壁是按照反弹运动轨迹运动,小球与小球之间碰撞也按照物理原理。-Three small balls moving in space, run into a wall in accordance with the rebound trajectory of movement between the ball and the ball is also in accordance with the physics of the collision.
- 在三维场景中绘制两个球体,一个纹理贴图,一个启用颜色混合实现透明效果。使用鼠标可以托动任意球体,当球体叠加时,托动的是离屏幕最近的球体-Draw three-dimensional scene in two spheres, a texture, color mixing to achieve a transparent effect is enabled. Use the mouse to drag the arbitrary sphere, when the ball stack, the
- 简易的opengl球体移动动画,可以用鼠标转动镜头角度,球体周围附有三角体旋转效果-Simple opengl sphere moving animation, you can use the mouse to rotate camera angle, ball spin around with a triangular body
- 该程序基于VC++语言和OPenGL语言相结合,绘制了天空和地形,在地形中放入了一个木箱和一个石球,还有一个人物。通过摁W、A、S、D四个键可以模拟人物在地形上移动,左上角会有移动的速度以及移动时刻的坐标值。-The program is based on VC++ language and OPenGL language combination, draw the sky and topography, the terrain is placed in a wooden case and a
- opengl编写旋转小球程序,采用c语言描述方法-use the opengl to write the moving ball
- 该程序使用vc++6.0opengl的开发环境,主要功能是模拟大小不一且颜色不同的 几个小球在随机移动着的动画,在这过程中小球会发碰撞,碰撞后的小球会发 生融合。-The program uses vc++ 6.0opengl development environment, the main function is to simulate different sizes and different colors Several small ball moving at random