- SimuCenter是基于C++和OpenGL技术的仿真软件系统,采用前卫的模块组态方式编辑文档,在您的轻松点击之中,便可实现复杂系统的逼真仿真。该系统目前主要用于控制领域,可用于工业生产,航空,航海,天体运行等系统的仿真,也可作为CAI教学软件使用。 -SimuCenter is based on the C and OpenGL technology system simulation software, using cutting-edge module configuration t
- This the sample application that accompanies the May 99 Game Developer magazine. It is meant as a demonstration of a method for 3D cloth simulation in OpenGL. Cloth simulation is a very complex process. This column and demo just scratches
- This program was created in Dev C++ (OpenGL). The Lorenz oscillator is a 3-dimensional dynamical system that exhibits chaotic flow, noted for its lemniscate shape. The map shows how the state of a dynamical system evolves over time in a complex, non-