- 这一篇是讲述键盘操作和动画基础(实际还差的远哪)。只是个简单的能由用户控制的动画,让物体前后移动,左右旋转。-This one is about the keyboard operation and animation basis (the actual which far worse). Only a simple user can control the animation, objects moving around, rotating around.
- Simple Gragh 2.6 TSimpleGraph is a visual component, which provides a simple user interface for drawing graphs. The control and its graph objects are fully customizable in the way that let you create almost any kind of graphs.-Simple TSimpleGraph G
- The Solar Model is real time modeling of solar system. It allows user to navigate in space, to control time counting (speed-up time flow) and estimate movement of space bodies, bind camera to space objects (for example, from Moon on Earth in real ti
- 仪表技术是计算机技术在仪器仪表领域中应用所形成的一种新型的、富有生 命力的仪器种类,它将逐步取代传统电子仪器。本文介绍了用VC++的ActiveX 技术结合三维图形开发库OpenGL开发虚拟仪表控件的方法。利用此方法开发的 虚拟仪表,可以使用户在任何支持ActiveX的开发语言或网页上使用。-Instrumentation technology is computer technology applications in the instrumentation field forme
- 1。动画规模因素是用来控制动画率。 2。阈值是用来控制多少在进口UV坐标网格/网格。 3。自从MilkShape3D ascii文件不包含信息的速度播放,我用25 fps射击。 * *历史 1。修理几乎所有的动画虫子发现在0.5版本。 2。支持Milkshape3D Ascii文件。 3。使动画更符合Milkshape3D钥匙。 4。纹理路径解决新旧版本的MilkShape3D文件。-This plug-in is
- 飞行动力学模拟系统 模拟一架飞机在一个地形上空飞行的全过程,用户可以使用键盘对飞机进行控制,如飞机的俯仰、偏航、加速等操作,观看飞机飞行的变化。-Flight dynamics simulation system Simulation of an aircraft in a terrain flying over the whole process, the user can use the keyboard to control the aircraft, such as pitch,
- 创建一个三维迷宫,支持替身通过一定交互手段在迷宫中漫游,基本功能包括: 读取给定的替身模型,加载到场景中。 键盘方向键控制替身转向与漫游。 有碰撞检测,替身不应当穿墙。 支持切换第一视角和第三视角进行观察。 迷宫场景中的墙、地面等应贴上纹理。 同时加入二维辅助地图,替身在三维迷宫探索的同时,在小地图中显示已经探索的区域; 在俯视状态下,可以通过鼠标点选替身需要到达的目的地,通过寻径算法,控制替身自动到达目的地; 迷宫地图交互编辑功能,例如,可以设计一个二维地图编辑
- 基于win32控制台的小程序,主要实现球面贴图的功能,没旋转放大缩小,但有接口,使用者很容易能够加进去键盘控制放大缩小旋转等。图片像素要求是2的n次方,可以自己画,这里的是128*128像素的。-Based on win32 console applet, the main achievement of the spherical mapping function, not rotating zoom, but it has an interface, the user can be easil
- Opengl example: Assignment 5: Lighting Write an OpenGL program that incorporates lighting to create a a scene consisting of solid objects that can be viewed in three dimensions under user control.
- Opengl example: Assignment 6: Lighting and Textures Write an OpenGL program that incorporates both lighting and textures to create a a scene consisting of textured solid objects that can be viewed in three dimensions under user control.