- 一个学习及工作实践中经常要用的,必备的API手册,希望用opengl es的朋友有帮助-A study and work practice win usually need to use of, essential API manual, hope that the friend who use the opengl es is helpful
- The Fountain Simulation Here I ll explain Some basic physical things (simulation of a water drop) How to get antialiased points How to use blending Some basic physics... The movement of a drop contains two factors: The directi
- SDL(Simple DirectMedia Layer)是什么呢?根据他的表面意思,翻译过来就是简单的指导媒体层SDL是一个跨平台的多媒体函数库,被用来设计成在低层访问音频,键盘,鼠标,游戏杆,基于OPENGL(一个3D图象开发函数库)的3D 硬件,和2D图象帧缓冲区。它被广泛的用于基于MPEG的媒体播放软件,模拟器,和许多著名的游戏。最著名的游戏是赢得LIUNX组游戏开发大奖的 文明:权利的召唤(Civilization: Call To Power)。-SDL (Simple Direc
- 非常能帮您锻炼三维空间思考能力。创意来源于北京科技馆,只要在5*5*5的方格中,上下左右斜对角线和对顶角线的方向上有4个子,即可获胜。-It can help you exercise the ability to think three-dimensional space a lot. Creativity comes from the Beijing Science and Technology Museum.As long as in 5* 5* 5 grid, up and down t