- have included this Multiple Document Interface example here because any game development requires a good editor for constructing the world or models. The editor should provide multiple views of the scene and therefore the most intuitive method is to
- OpenGL编程之摄像漫游VC源码演示,这是学程序编游戏系列丛书中的一个实例,源码无错,编译顺利。窗口中运动的雷达和飞机是可以用键盘控制的,↑进 ↓退 →右 ←左 UP仰 DOWM俯,程序运行后会自动搜索视频渲染模式,如果找不到,会给出提示,程序也就不能运行,好好研究一下吧,这东西对编写三维游戏用得上-OpenGL programming of the camera roaming VC source code demo, this is the game of procedures compi