- 本程序实现了立体字的旋转功能。可以根据需要设定字的颜色、字体、纵深方向的值等。第一行字绕X轴旋转,第二行字绕Y轴旋转-realized by the three-dimensional character of the rotation. According to the word needs to set the color, fonts, and in-depth direction, such as the value. The first lines revolving around t
- 该程序是在OpenGL环境下实现了对立体自由选择,可以自由选择绕X,Y,Z轴旋转,旋转的速度可以通过滑动条自由控制。-that the procedure was in OpenGL environment for the realization of three-dimensional freedom of choice, freedom of choice around X, Y, Z-axis rotation, rotation speed can be controlled throu
- 这个是3D的园环和球体的代码,球体围绕园环的一点旋转,园环又围绕Y轴旋转-This is the 3D Ball Park Central and the code around the ball park in Central 1:00 rotation, Central Park is revolving around the Y axis
- 利用opengl实现一个小型太阳系的运动,可以通过键盘控制地球的自转和公转,d逆时针自传,D顺时针自转,y逆时针公转,Y顺时针公转-use opengl achieve a small movement of the solar system, Keyboard control through the Earth's rotation and revolution, d counterclockwise autobiography, D clockwise rotation, y par
- 这个程序主要是如何绕轴旋转物体。让物体绕Z轴, X轴,Y轴 或者全部3个轴旋转-this procedure is mainly around how the rotating objects. Let objects around the Z-axis, X-axis, Y-axis or all three-axis rotation
- 立方体沿轴X,Y,Z旋转,但没有对代码作出注释,不过大家应该能看得懂-cube along the axis X, Y and Z rotation, but no right to make Notes code, but we should be able to be able to read! !
- 计算机图形学程序,该程序演示太阳,地球,月亮三者的一个系统,按“y”“m”“d”系统会模拟地球公转/自转/月球绕地球转-Computer graphics program that demonstrates the Sun, Earth, Moon, a system of three, according to " y" " m" " d" the system will simulate the Earth revolution/rota
- 刚性位置变化计算,输入物体在空间坐标系中的坐标,以及旋转向量和平移向量,计算其在摄像机坐标系中的坐标。- [Y,dYdom,dYdT] = rigid_motion(X,om,T) Computes the rigid motion transformation Y = R*X+T, where R = rodrigues(om). INPUT: X: 3D structure in the world coordinate frame (3xN matrix for
- 功程序中已预设了多种颜色,通过单击键盘C键可以不断地改变茶壶的颜色;通过键盘的方向键可以调整光源的位置,左移光源,右移光源,上移光源,下移光源,从而改变茶壶的光影显示效果;单击键盘R键可使茶壶自动旋转,再次单击则停止旋转;在茶壶旋转过程中,可通 过X键,Y键,Z键来改变茶壶的旋转轴;按着鼠标左键不放,移动鼠标可以像Google Earth似的手动的地旋转茶壶;按着鼠标右键不放,向上移动鼠标可以使茶壶缩小,向下可以是茶壶变大;但茶壶不会变得过大或过小。-Power program has been
- opengl ESC:退出程序 F1:窗口模式或全屏模式的切换 上下方向键:右侧金字塔绕X轴旋转 左右方向键:右侧金字塔绕Y轴旋转-opengl ESC: exit F1: Window mode or full-screen mode to switch up and down arrow keys: the right side of the pyramid around the direction of rotation around the X-axis key:
- 基于Visual C++ 利用OpenGL编程的小程序 示行星以及卫星 d、y分别自转、公转 大小写情况下分别顺时针、逆时针-Based on Visual C++ using OpenGL programming applet showing planetary and satellite d, y rotation, respectively, under the case of each revolution clockwise, counterclockwise
- 如何在Matlab中通过混合编程的方式使用OpenGL。希望能抛砖引玉,大家共同讨论。 该程序基于Matlab6.5和VC6平台编译,运行后会显示一个彩色的三维坐标轴以及一个棋盘平面。使用方向键和9/0平移, x/y/z旋转。 程序的源文件为DrawGL02.cpp,在Matlab中通过mbuild -setup设置好VC编译器后,运行mex -O -v DrawGL02.cpp即可生成dll文件。然后再Matlab中运行DrawGL02即可。-How in the Matl
- 可以绕x轴方向、y轴方向或z轴旋转的彩色立方体-Around the x-axis direction can be, y or z axis rotation axis color cube
- A 3D transformation program for doing following operations : Translation, scaling, rotation about x-axis, rotation about Y-axis and rotation about Z-axis in OPENGL.
- 旋转: 在这一课里,我将教会你如何旋转三角形和四边形。左图中的三角形沿Y轴旋转,四边形沿着X轴旋转。 -Rotation: In this lesson, I will teach you how to rotate the triangle and quadrilateral. Left in the triangle along the Y axis, the quadrilateral along the X axis.
- 在Visual C++开发环境下使用OpenGL的SDK,自编了类GLFont实现绘制三维立体字,实现将立体字沿X轴、Y轴旋转,绕圆形轨道旋转及其它等各种动画功能-In Visual C++ development environment using OpenGL SDK, composing a class GLFont draw three-dimensional characters to achieve, to achieve the three-dimensional characte
- 1、绘制茶壶(模型绘制) 2、通过三基色原理设定不同光源,并从不同方向照射茶壶。实现全局光源照射。(颜色指定、光照应用) 3、通过变量产生几种不同的条格式纹理,并映射到茶壶。(纹理映射) 4、茶壶中心绕原点分别绕X、Y、Z轴转动。(位图和图像处理) 5、听过时间等函数实现茶壶的倒水功能。(实时动画) 6、通过键盘控制以上。(人机交互) -1, draw a teapot (model drawn) 2, through the the trichromatic princ
- 计算机图形学大作业,openGL,改变模型颜色,改变光源位置,按键盘“r”键模型自动旋转(默认y轴),按“x"则绕x轴旋转,按”z”则绕z轴旋转,还可以通过鼠标控制,鼠标左键控制模型旋转,右键控制缩放。-Computer Graphics major operations, openGL, change the model color, change the light position, press the keyboard "r" key model automatic rotation (
- 通过opengl,实现彩色立方体绕x,y,z轴的旋转,并可通过鼠标改变旋转方向-By opengl, to achieve color cube about the x, rotation y, z-axis, and change the rotation direction of the mouse
- opengl程序,实现三维物体的旋转,通常的做法是使场景绕 X,Y ,Z轴旋转,其不能达到图形可以随着鼠标的拖动绕任意方向旋转的预期效果,旋转有停滞、逆转和卡动现象。-Achieve the rotation of the three-dimensional objects, common practice is to make the scene around the X, Y, Z axis rotation, it can t achieve graphics can be as the