- 该程序可以实现对于手势的跟踪和手的张开和闭合的识别以及在手张开的时候的上,下,左,右4个移动方向的识别,在单纯背景下的效果比较好.-The program can be achieved for the hand gesture tracking and identification of open and closed and open hand, when the up, down, left and right identify the direction of movement 4, i
- 通过单目摄像头实现手势跟踪并且可以识别四种手势实现智能控制,需要OPENCV0.97以上版本。-Achieved by single camera head and hand tracking can identify four gesture intelligent control, you need to OPENCV0.97 above.
- 结合OpenCV,实现人手势的识别与跟踪。-combine with OpenCV,the project realizes the hand gesture dectect and tracking.
- 用C++语言借助Openni开发了基于Kinect的插件,通过该插件在virtools环境中读取Kinect数据,进行手势识别和跟踪。-A plug-in is specially designed and developed for Kinect devices .The plug-in takes advantage of Kinect API and Virtools SDK and is implemented with C++2010.Net as its developing too
- 基于均值漂移算法的物体跟踪算法,需要导入一段视频,可以手选跟踪目标,较稳定-Object tracking algorithm based on mean shift algorithm, you need to import a video, you can hand picking tracking target, object tracking algorithm based on mean shift algorithm is the more stable, you need to i