- This zip file contains source code and windows executables for carrying out face detection on a gray scale image. The code implements Viola-Jones adaboosted algorithm for face detection by providing a mex implementation of OpenCV s face detector. Ins
- /*模式训练*/ Training(int,int,int,char*,char*,char*) 参数: 模式个数(即网络的第一隐层节点数) 模式维数(即网络的输入层节点数) 模式类别数(即网络的输出层节点数) 计算中心控制矢量时所用的变换函数核 第二隐层权值的训练算法 训练模式所在的文件名称 /*模式分类*/ Classifying(int,char*) 参数: 需要分类的模式个数 分类数据-/* Model Training*/Tr
- HTM(Hierarchical Temporal Memory)技术是利用模拟大脑来实现识别的一种方法,nupic公司有开源实现,上面的htmlib包是另一种实现,适合VC++开发,容易集成-Hierarchical Temporal Memory: What s In a Name? The name was chosen for a reason: Hierarchical-- HTMs are organized as a tree-shaped hierarchy of
- 定性与定量地描述冠状动脉血管,很大程度依赖于造影图像中的血管结构识别结果,对此,提出了一种多特征模糊识别算法判别血管结构.实现过程中,首先通过图像预处理获得血管初始特征,然后利用一圆周探测器沿血管路径扫描并获取多种局部测度;在定义各种局部测度的多特征模糊子集及其隶属度函数之后,通过构造模糊识别算子准确地判别血管的端、段、分支和交叉结构.该方法在仿真血管模型和多套实际冠状动脉造影图像上获得了较好的效果,对实际图像的结构识别平均正确率达到92 。-Qualitative and quantitati
- 模拟扫描仪的功能,扫描存储为图片,以进行后续的处理。-imitate scaner s function,store pictures ,then do the subsequent treatment.
- 人脸识别系统的学习资料,里面详细介绍了人脸识别系统的原理及设计。在LInux环境下进行开发和制作。-the face reconised system . The data particular introduce the face reconised system s function. User can use it create youself system!
- Microsoft Office文档图像库(MODI)与Office 2003包,可以让我们很容易地集成到自己的应用程序中的OCR功能。MODI的OCR为Visual C ++程序。我决定挖这个东西,写此示例演示程序,显示基本的东西MODI的OCR功能。我相信有些人可能有兴趣在这个程序中. 该项目首先开始的Visual C++6.0,然后升级到Visual Studio。NET 2003中,我已经包括了两个项目文件的演示程序。手动运行中的Visual C++ 6.0,打开MODIVCDemo
- The main function for local thresholding. averagefilter.m A subroutine - a faster version of MATLAB s build-in fspecial( average , [3 3]). bradley.png-The main function for local thresholding. averagefilter.m A subroutine- a faster version o
- 在Matlab图像处理工具箱中的Phantom函数,可以产生Shepp -Logan的大脑图,该图作为一个测试图,可反映人大脑的许多性质-In the Phantom function in Matlab image processing toolbox, can generate Shepp - Logan brain figure, the figure as a test pattern, can reflect the brain s many properties
- At this stage the microcontroller clock setting is already configured, this is done through SystemInit() function which is called startup file (startup_stm32f4xx.s) before to branch to application main. To reconfigure the default setting of
- This function creates a time-vs-frequency plot image for analyzing a signal s time-evolving frequency content. The signal is x, an analysis window of window_size samples is stepped through the time extent of the signal, and Fs is the sample rat
- 相关系数法的点匹配 void draw(int x,int y,Mat mat,Mat mod,int xx,int yy)通过十字丝表明匹配点 void ImgMarch(Mat s,Mat m,Mat roi,int x,int y)相关系数法匹配函数-Match point correlation coefficient method void draw (int x, int y, Mat mat, Mat mod, int xx, int yy) indicate the
- 用C语言编写的在Simulink环境下对转速可调永磁直流电机进行数值仿真的S函数源代码-Written in C language in the Simulink environment numerical simulation was carried out on the speed adjustable permanent magnet dc motor S function of the source code
- 雷达功能仿真程序,有需要的可以看一看,有什么问题及时联系-Function of radar simulation program, can be in need to have a look, what s the problem timely contact
- 基于opencv库文件函数改进版的人脸识别程序,可以高质量的识别多个人脸,不同的距离(base on opencv function library ,i advanced the function in the library,so it can distinguish many people's face in different distance)