- 支撑向量机库libsvm与matlab的接口,可以连接在matlab中做实验!-Support Vector Machine for libsvm with Matlab interface can be connected to the experimental Matlab do!
- 对于经常玩电脑的用户来说,常常会遇到这样的情况:我想把程序界面中的文字资料复制下来,可屏幕文字资料却偏偏不能被选中复制,这时真有点无可奈何的感觉。我们能不能自己DIY一个屏幕文字捕捉工具,打造自己的一个SPY,把鼠标即指的文字资料自动复制下来,甚至自动粘贴到我采集的文本文件中?其实这是肯定的,只要屏幕文字对象的窗口(控件)具有标签或文本属性。还等什么?快点DIY一个。-for regular playing computer users, often encountered such a sit
- 支持手写数字识别及训练的程序源码,可以训练识别0-9的数字,有图形界面。-support handwritten numeral recognition and training program source code, can be trained to identify the figures 0-9, graphics interface.
- 一套成熟的车牌识别系统可提供多平台二次开发接口-a mature license plate recognition system can provide multi-platform secondary development interface
- Flash的浏览器及播放器,类似ACDSee的双界面控制,类似资源管理器的完全的文件操作和搜索功能,可以搜索任何目录及IE缓存,文件操作及影片播放皆支持拖放操作。具有进度条、播放控制、全屏播放、EXE格式和SWF的相互转换(支持多种格式)、影片相关信息显示、支持各种Flash格式。-Flash browser and players like ACDSee dual interface control, similar resource management for the complete f
- 搜索图书。双击运行mgbd.exe,进入程序主界面之后,将光标定位在“Book code:”后面的文本框中,按下“Ctrl+v”组合键,将剪贴板中的数据粘贴过来,单击右侧的“Check”按钮,如果看到“1 Pages”列表框中出现相关的页面信息(如图2),说明这本书能够被所识别并下载。-Search for books. Double click mgbd.exe, after entering the main program interface, position the cursor in
- 一款简单的验证码识别工具,在初始化状态下可以进行图片的分割、学习,获取字符的特征码,并保存到INI文件中,当学习足够多图片后就能准确地识别同类型的验证码。 本程序主在提供一种分析的思路方法,如何对验证码进行分割、过滤、规格化,去除杂点是识别的关键部分,每步过程都呈现在界面上。-A simple verification code recognition tools, in the initialization state, the picture can be split, study, a
- 提供一个图像处理界面,可直接运行。能实现目标识别,检测,跟踪,对象匹配,字符识别。-To provide an image processing interface, can be directly run. To achieve the target identification, detection, tracking, object matching, character recognition.
- 拉普拉斯高斯边缘检测的C程序源码,接口已封装,可以在你的工程中调用-Laplacian Gaussian edge detection procedure of the C source code, interface has been packaged, you can call your project
- libCVD is a very portable and high performance C++ library for computer vision, image, and video processing. The emphasis on providing simple and efficient image and video handling and high quality implementations of common low-level image processing
- 本程序主要视图界面分两部分,左视图是训练样品设计,右视图是模式识别,可根据模式识别菜单项进行识别。分类器包括模板匹配分类器,Bayes分类器。分类法包括线性函数分类法,非线性函数分类法和神经网络分类法。-The program interface main view in two parts, the left view is the training sample design, the right view is the pattern recognition, pattern recogn
- 两个指纹识图像的识别程序,用C语言编写,可以用做程序的接口!-Two fingerprint identification image recognition program in C language, the program can be used as an interface!
- 支持向量机的分类,能够很好的实现类别的分类等。含有c,jave,c++等语言的接口-The classification of support vector machine (SVM) is quite well, and can realize the category of classification, etc. Contains c, jave, c++ language such as the interface
- 图形文字识别,简称OCR,能识别以BMP/JPG/TIF格式以文字为主图片上的文字,这是项比较有难度的技术,微软在Office2003中推出了一个OCR模块,对中文支持也不错,叫MS_OCR,但是其在VC++上的接口和用法一直不知道怎么用,现在上传一个MS_OCR做的示范程序,识别效率大家可以试一下-Graphic character recognition, referred to as the OCR can recognize text-based images of BMP/JPG/TI
- 是matlab源码,运用bp网络实现0~9数字识别系统,友友好的系统界面,包含训练样本与含噪声的数字图片。 可直接使用。 -Matlab source code, bp network 0 to 9 digit recognition system, Friends of the friendly system interface, including the training samples and digital images with noise. Can be used direct
- 本程序能自动识别出禁止驶入标志与禁止车辆临时或长时停放标志,并且用matlab编写了一个界面。首先模板训练,接着导入图片,然后参数训练,最后识别-The program can automatically identify prohibited from entering the flag to vehicular temporary or long when parking signs, and an interface written using matlab. First training
- 使用FSGRKit 做为手绘图形识别引擎;WTL做为图形界面 VS2005 可以编译通过 如需FSGRKit库,请联系作者-To use FSGRKit as the hand-painted pattern recognition engine WTL as a graphical interface VS2005 For more information, please contact the author FSGRKit library can be compiled
- 能识别本地的有背景没有干扰的验证码,有界面,能识别自己写的系统的页面验证码-To identify local background without interference verification code, interface, can identify their writing system authentication code page
- 用matlab GUI做了一个界面,可以实现人脸检测-Used to do a matlab GUI interface, you can achieve human face detection
- 一款用VB模仿LED中英文滚动字幕的显示屏,完美支持中文和英文显示,自带字库。可以设定刷新频率,滚动速度,设置字体颜色,逼真的LED界面,看上去不错哦!-Using VB to mimic the rolling English subtitles LED display, the perfect support Chinese and English display, comes with character. You can set the refresh rate, scrolling s