基于openCV的手势识别,用肤色的有效提取, 再经过阈值化, 和形态学变换, 得到手的轮廓, 最后采用轮廓匹配的方法, 得到识别结果-OpenCV based gesture recognition, effective use of color extraction, and then after a threshold, and morphological transformation, contours of the hand, the final contour matching me
Opencv 通过形态学操作实现图像边缘。
首先将图像转换为二值图像,然后膨胀此二值图像,最后减去未膨胀之前的图像便得到了图像的边缘。-Opencv realize the image edge by morphological operations.
First, convert the image to a binary image, and then expanded this binary image, the last image before subtracting the