- Mahalanobis距離是一個可以準確找出資料分布上面極端值(Outliers)的統計方法,使用線性迴歸的概念,也就是說他使用的是共變數矩陣以及該資料分布的平均數來找尋極端值的產生,而可以讓一群資料系統具有穩健性(Robust),去除不必要的雜訊訊息,這邊拿前面共變數矩陣的資料為例,並且新增了兩個點座標向量來做Mahalanobis距離的比較-Mahalanobis distance is the information that can accurately identify the dis
- 跡數(trace),也就是對角線數據的總和,轉置矩陣(Transpose Matrix),則是將矩陣數據列跟欄對調將橫的數據變成直的,反矩陣(Inverse Matrix)它的定義為與目標矩陣相乘可以得到單位矩陣,為一個可逆矩陣. 跡數,轉置,反矩陣實作-Trace number (trace), which is the sum of diagonal data, Transpose (Transpose Matrix), malpractices matrix data will
- OpenCV也提供了另一個資料結構來做Rand的實作,CvRandState,被包在"cvcompat.h"裡,"cvcompat.h"的完整意思是Computer Vision Compatility,CvRandState的特色是可以選定常態分佈及均勻分佈,不過,它只能運用在矩陣跟一維陣列.-OpenCV also provides another data structure to do Rand' s implementation, CvRandState, was wrapped
- An easy way to use svm in c++, here I build several classes in namespace XCUBIC, make it easy to combine your data in to matrix for svm use.-An easy way to use svm in c++, here I build several classes in namespace XCUBIC, make it easy to combine yo
- 用opencv函数从txt文件中读取数据到二维矩阵的程序,并进行求逆,求和,求矩阵每列元素平均值,摄像机标定时的一小部分-Using OpenCV function from the txt file to read the data into a two-dimensional matrix procedures, and the inverse of matrix, and each column elements, on average, a small portion of camer
- 此VC++对opencv中的cvMat数据矩阵直接进行操作,将矩阵中的数据类型转换成高精度的浮点数据类型。-This VC++ opencv to the cvMat data matrix directly operation, the data in a matrix type conversion into high precision floating-point data type.
- The MATLAB source code, P0301: digital image display and its Fourier transform matrix data
- 数字图像矩阵数据的显示及其傅立叶变换 MATLAB,(Digital image matrix data display and its Fourier transform MATLAB,)