- 地心坐标系下的经纬高坐标数据,转换为东北天坐标系下的坐标。输入为经纬高,单位为°。 matlab文件实现,调用函数名为:ECEFtoENV-Geocentric latitude and longitude coordinates of the high-coordinate data is converted to Northeast day coordinate system coordinates. Latitude and longitude input is high, the u
- 潮流计算程序,直角坐标系下的,能算ieee任意节点,附件中有节点的格式,只需将提供的标准节点转换为文件中的bus和connect即可-Flow calculation program, Cartesian coordinates, any node can count, annex formatted node, simply provide a standard node converts files and connect to bus
- (具体数值在程序文件中更改)卫星的站心地平坐标系坐标转换为84坐标系坐标-Station Local Coordinate Systems (specific numerical changes in the program file) satellite is converted to 84 Coordinate Systems
- gps接收机数据(LBH坐标系),转换为标准gps数据文件-GPS receiver data (LBH coordinate system), converted to a standard GPS data file
Two-dimensional coordinate transformation
- 该程序能根据两个坐标系的坐标,求出坐标转换矩阵,然后读取一个坐标系的坐标文件,转到另一个坐标系的坐标,并输出到另一个文件。(The program can be based on the coordinates of two coordinate systems, coordinate conversion matrix, and then read a coordinate system of coordinate files, to another coordinate system coo
- 可以实现从笛卡尔坐标系到大地坐标系的转换功能 超级实用 推荐使用(It can realize the conversion from Cartesian coordinate system to geodetic coordinate system. Super practical recommended use)