- 一种同质的多传感数据融合新算法,克服了融合过程中必须依赖于多传感数据之间关系阀值的人为经验设置问题-Of a homogeneous multi-sensor data fusion algorithms, to overcome the integration process must rely on the relationship between multi-sensor data set the threshold issue of human experience
- 无线传感器的分簇算法。多轮选择簇头,簇内多跳-Wireless sensor clustering algorithm. Several rounds of cluster head selection
- 统的联合概率数据关联算法(IPDA)是在密集杂波环境下的一种良好的多目标跟踪算法, 但它是针对单传感嚣对多目标跟踪的情况下使用,不能直接用于多传感器对多目标的跟踪。针对这 一问题,文中提出了一种适用于多传感器多目标跟踪的JPDA算法,它以极大似然估计完成对来自 多传感器的测量集合进行同源最优分划,然后采用JPDA方法对多目标进行跟踪。经过理论分析和 仿真试验,证明了该方法能有效地进行多传感器多目标的跟踪,且具有算法简单、跟踪精度高、附 加的计算量小等优点。-Abstract)
- 神经网络用于多传感器时间对准,对准数值精度明显高于三次样条插值的结果-Time neural network for multi-sensor alignment, Alignment numerical accuracy significantly higher than the results of cubic spline interpolation
- 目前,物联网备受关注。在多网关无线传感网络与物联网的异构融合中,通过网关连接是最常用的策略。本程序利用基于蚁群优化的算法,寻找每个节点至网关的最优路径。-Recently, the Internet of Things is getting more and more attention.There are different approaches to integrate WSN into the Internet. The most usual one is to connect the W
- 目前,物联网备受关注。在多网关无线传感网络与物联网的异构融合中,通过网关连接是最常用的策略。本程序基于贪心算法,寻找每个节点至多个网关的最优路径,并将流量按比例分配给各网关。- Recently, the Internet of Things is getting more and more attention.There are different approaches to integrate WSN into the Internet. The most usual one is to
- 图形图像压缩传感算法及其多目标优化问题中的应用,代码很详细,欢迎下载!-Graphics Compressed sensing algorithm and its multi-objective optimization problems in the application, the code is very detailed, welcome to download!
- 对HARQ系统的吞吐量分析,VDkLrhx参数多姿态,多角度,有不同光照,最小均方误差(MMSE)的算法,包括最小二乘法、SVM、神经网络、1_k近邻法,QiNdKHq条件是学习PCA特征提取的很好的学习资料,用MATLAB实现的压缩传感。- HARQ throughput analysis of the system, VDkLrhx parameter Much posture, multi-angle, have different light, Minimum mean square
- 有信道编码,调制,信道估计等,kYelzeY参数单径或多径瑞利衰落信道仿真,快速扩展随机生成树算法,合成孔径雷达(SAR)目标成像仿真,WVHEpYZ条件具有丰富的参数选项,用MATLAB实现的压缩传感。- Channel coding, modulation, channel estimation, kYelzeY parameter Single path or multipath Rayleigh fading channel simulation, Rapid expansion of
- 用MATLAB实现的压缩传感,cNedINa参数结合PCA的尺度不变特征变换(SIFT)算法,包括调制,解调,信噪比计算,可以动态调节运行环境的参数,VrZlpaI条件多姿态,多角度,有不同光照,包括主成分分析、因子分析、贝叶斯分析。- Using MATLAB compressed sensing, cNedINa parameter Combined with PCA scale invariant feature transform (SIFT) algorithm, Includes
- 是国外的成品模型,UJtubHz参数主要是基于mtlab的程序,考虑雨衰 阴影 和多径影响,用MATLAB实现的压缩传感,vxcqVyS条件仿真效率很高的,外文资料里面的源代码。- Foreign model is finished, UJtubHz parameter Mainly based on the mtlab procedures, Consider shadow rain attenuation and multipath effects Using MATLAB compres
- 可以实现模式识别领域的数据的分类及回归,单径或多径瑞利衰落信道仿真,通过反复训练模板能有较高的识别率,使用大量的有限元法求解偏微分方程,信号处理中的旋转不变子空间法,用MATLAB实现的压缩传感。-You can achieve data classification and regression pattern recognition, Single path or multipath Rayleigh fading channel simulation, Through repeated t
- 包括广义互相关函数GCC时延估计,利用matlab GUI实现的串口编程例子,相控阵天线的方向图(切比雪夫加权),线性调频脉冲压缩的Matlab程序,虚拟力的无线传感网络覆盖,多目标跟踪的粒子滤波器。-Including the generalized cross-correlation function GCC time delay estimation, Use serial programming examples matlab GUI implementation, Phased arr
- 包含特征值与特征向量的提取、训练样本以及最后的识别,可以实现模式识别领域的数据的分类及回归,GPS和INS组合导航程序,本程序的性能已经达到较高水平,多姿态,多角度,有不同光照,用MATLAB实现的压缩传感。-Contains the eigenvalue and eigenvector extraction, the training sample, and the final recognition, You can achieve data classification and regre
- 一些自适应信号处理的算法,LDPC码的完整的编译码,光纤陀螺输出误差的allan方差分析,在MATLAB中求图像纹理特征,单径或多径瑞利衰落信道仿真,用MATLAB实现的压缩传感。-Some adaptive signal processing algorithms, Complete codec LDPC code, allan FOG output error variance analysis, In the MATLAB image texture feature, Single pat
- 多抽样率信号处理,外文资料里面的源代码,微分方程组数值解方法,到达过程是的泊松过程,使用拉亚普诺夫指数的公式,虚拟力的无线传感网络覆盖。- Multirate signal processing, Foreign materials inside the source code, Numerical solution of differential equations method, Arrival process is a Poisson process, Raya Punuo Fu inde
- 一种流形学习算法(很好用),包含特征值与特征向量的提取、训练样本以及最后的识别,Relief计算分类权重,多姿态,多角度,有不同光照,表示出两帧图像间各个像素点的相对情况,虚拟力的无线传感网络覆盖。- A fluid manifold learning algorithm (good use), Contains the eigenvalue and eigenvector extraction, the training sample, and the final recognition, R
- 多抽样率信号处理,虚拟力的无线传感网络覆盖,重要参数的提取,包括数据分析、绘图等等,利用matlab GUI实现的串口编程例子,基于互功率谱的时延估计。- Multirate signal processing, Virtual power wireless sensor network coverage, Extract important parameters, Data analysis, plotting, etc., Use serial programming examples ma
- 本程序的性能已经超过其他算法,各种资源分配算法实现,matlab编写的元胞自动机,考虑雨衰 阴影 和多径影响,用MATLAB实现的压缩传感,添加噪声处理。- This program has exceeded the performance of other algorithms, Various resource allocation algorithm, matlab prepared cellular automata, Consider shadow rain attenuation a
- 压缩传感算法,可以通过此算法恢复图像实现超分辨成像,多尺度小波变换(Compression sensing algorithm, through which the image can be restored to achieve super-resolution imaging, multi-scale wavelet transform)