- This the source release kit for the following system configuration(s): - AMD Alchemy(TM) DBAu1200(TM) and AMD Alchemy(TM) Pb1200(TM) development boards (AMD Alchemy(TM) Au1200(TM) processor) - Windows CE 5.0 - RMI Au1200 Core BSP v1.51
- 实现最优二叉树的构造;在此基础上完成哈夫曼编码器与译码器。 假设报文中只会出现如下表所示的字符: 字符 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N 频度 186 64 13 22 32 103 21 15 47 57 1 5 32 20 57 字符 O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z , . 频度 63 15 1 48 51 80 23 8 18 1 16 1 6 2 要求完成的系统应具备如下的功能: 1.初始化。从终端(
- 课程设计: 1.求出在一个n×n的棋盘上,放置n个不能互相捕捉的国际象棋“皇后”的所有布局。 2.设计一个利用哈夫曼算法的编码和译码系统,重复地显示并处理以下项目,直到选择退出为止。 【基本要求】 1) 将权值数据存放在数据文件(文件名为data.txt,位于执行程序的当前目录中) 2) 分别采用动态和静态存储结构 3) 初始化:键盘输入字符集大小n、n个字符和n个权值,建立哈夫曼树; 4) 编码:利用建好的哈夫曼树生成哈夫曼编码; 5) 输出编码; 6)
- 用51单片机和LCD12864制作而成的贪吃蛇。-It s a snake game which made by C51
- lgo2-1.c C program for implementing Algorithm 2.1 Algorithm translated to C by: Dr. Norman Fahrer IBM and Macintosh verification by: Daniel Mathews NUMERICAL METHODS: C Programs, (c) John H. Mathews 1995 To accompany the text: NUME
- COPXY is n x m matrix which contains center of preasure (COP) data of static posturography tests on Parkinson s Disease (PD) Subjects. COPXY m columns are n/2 trials made of X Y data from a PD subject. COPXY n rows are n observations within a trial.
- 用下表给出的字符集和频度的实际统计数据建立哈夫曼树,并实现以下报文的编码和译码:“THIS PROGRAM IS MY FAVORITE”字符 A B C D E F G H I J K L M 频度 64 13 22 32 103 21 15 47 57 1 5 32 20 字符 N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 频度 57 63 15 1 48 51 80 23 8 18 1 16 1-The actual statistics of the character set a
- 智能小车的各种程序,适合毕业设计以及电子竞赛序,用51开发板,非常好用。-Smart car s various programs, designed for graduates and electronic race order, with 51 development board, very easy to use.
- 基于51单片机的脉搏测量和体温测量,keil编程,proteus仿真。-Based on 51 single chip microcomputer s pulse and temperature measurement,keil programming and proteus simulation.