- 实现AWGN信道16QAM调制、解调及误码率分析-AWGN channel to achieve 16QAM modulation, demodulation and BER Performance Analysis
- ber vs snr for awgn-rayleigh channel
- this is simmulation 16-qam modulation in rayleigh channel
- 这个程序是用格雷码的基带仿真,在加高斯白噪声的情况下仿真ber和ser曲线-the purpose of this m-file is to show a baseband simulated version of QPSK with Gray coding( Rayleigh multipath and AWGN added) which may give valid results
- 基带信号通过高斯信道和瑞利信道的误码率的计算和仿真,并分别与各自的理论误码率曲线相比较-Baseband signal through AWGN channel and Rayleigh channel bit error rate calculation and simulation, and separately with their respective theoretical BER curves compared
- 仿真一个QPSK调制信号通过一个平坦瑞利衰落的AWGN信道的误码率-simulate the BER of a QPSK modulated siganal using an AWGN channel with flat rayleigh fading
- This MATLAB programme simulates a BPSK communication channel and generates the BER curves for QPSK detection in AWGN and Rayleigh Fading wireless channels and superposes the manalytical curves over them
- THis transceiver system simulation to display ber vs SNR. TRansceiver is about BER comparison between LMS-RLS and MLSE receiver to invers the rayleigh fading channel. The content of system is modulation, pilot adder, awgn and rayleigh fading channel,
- BPSK调制在AWGN和瑞利信道的BER理论和统计结果比较-BPSK BER performance evaluation in awgn and rayleigh channels
- 一个有关qpsk的调制。系统的性能仿真。-1. system diagram 2. Input baseband waveform and its power spectrum 3. QPSK modulated signal and its power spectrum 4. AWGN channel output and its power spectrum 5. Signal constellations before and after the Rayleigh
- Comparacion del BER de un canal AWGN y Rayleigh en matlab. 100 bien-Comparacion del BER de un canal AWGN y Rayleigh en matlab. 100 bien
- Bit error rate performance of BPSK over Rayleigh fading wireless channel and its comparison with ber of BPSK transmission over AWGN channel.- Bit error rate performance of BPSK over Rayleigh fading wireless channel and its comparison wit
- 用matlab编写了BPSK 和QPSK 两种调制在高斯白噪声信道和瑞利信道下的误码率仿真曲线,并做了对比。-the texts simulate two modulaton BPSK and QPSK in both AWGN channel and Rayleigh channel, also did the comparison between two mudulation.
- 在matlab中仿真QPSK各项性能。包括星座图,调制波形以及在AWGN和Rayleigh信道中的误符号率与理论值的对比。解压后粘贴主程序和子程序到3个m文件即可运行。-Simulate the QPSK based on matlab. Specifically include the constellation diagram, and BER in AWGN and Rayleigh channel.
- 利用matlab建立QPSK基带传输系统,比较AWGN和Rayleigh信道下的系统BER性能。-Using MATLAB to establish QPSK baseband transmission system, the system BER performance comparison of AWGN and Rayleigh fading channels.
- QPSK分别在AWGN、Rayleigh、Rican三种信道下误码率仿真程序,附带一份完整的分析报告,是了解QPSK的在衰落条件下的非常好的素材。-QPSK respectively in AWGN, Rayleigh, Rican three channel BER simulation program, with a complete analysis report is a very good understanding of the material under fading condi
- 利用Matlab软件,建立BPSK基带传输系统,比较AWGN和Rayleigh信道下的系统BER性能.-Matlab software, establish BPSK baseband transmission system, BER performance comparison system AWGN and Rayleigh fading channels.
- The simulated and theoretical performance curves (Eb/NO vs. BER) for BPSK modulation over Rayleigh Fading channel and the AWGN
- 利用 Matlab 软件,建立 16QAM 基带 传输系统,比较 AWGN 信道和 Rayleigh 信 道下的系统 BER 性能。(Using Matlab software to establish 16QAM baseband transmission system, compare the performance of system BER between AWGN channel and Rayleigh channel.)
Rayleigh Fading with and without DIversity
- Rayleigh Fading With and Without diversity