- Kriging 插值程序,实现二维三维数据插值 Makefile_hp700 Makefile_ibm6000 kriging.mdf kriging.c outboard.c inv_m.tar.gz The inverse matrix source codes which got from Netlib. f2c.tar.gz The head file and library which are used to inverse matrix sou
- C-N解偏微分方程的程序。解的是定步长的抛物型偏微分方程: du/dx - a * d2u/dx2 = 0 在程序中可以更改 a 的值以实现不同系数的解。在循环中改变 a 的值以实现变系数. 该说明在压缩包是也有
- C-N解偏微分方程的程序。解的是定步长的抛物型偏微分方程: du/dx - a * d2u/dx2 = 0 在程序中可以更改 a 的值以实现不同系数的解。在循环中改变 a 的值以实现变系数
- 本程序写出了一个完整的一维有限元程序算列,列子如下 d^2u/dx^2=sin(x); u(0)=0,du(1)=0. u=sin(x);区间[0,2*pi].
- FEMOD1 is an interactive program for the setup, solution, and printout of a two point boundary value problem in a one dimensional region. The finite element method is used. The differential equation has the form: -d/dX ( K(X) dU/dX ) + C(
- C++实现多项式拟合计算, y=a+bx+cx^2+dx^3,给出n对x,y值后,得出abcd值,以后给出x的值,自动计算y的值-C++ implementation polynomial fitting calculation, y = a+ bx+ cx ^ 2+ dx ^ 3, n is given on the x, y values, results in abcd value that is given after the value of x, y values
- Rossler equation A. Wolf, J. B. Swift, H. L. Swinney and J. A. Vastano, "Determining Lyapunov Exponents from a Time Series," Physica D, Vol. 16, pp. 285-317, 1985.-Rossler equation dx =-y- z dy = x+ a*y dz = b+ z*(x-c)
- nfftls is a program for fast computing Lomb-Scargle periodograms. The present archive contains an example of C implementation of the code described in B. Leroy, "Fast calculation of the Lomb-Scargle periodogram using nonequispaced fast Fourier t