- 一款最完整的工业组态软源代码,包括了组态界面,脚本语言,设备驱动等,拿来就可以作为自己的组态产品,吐血奉献-one of the most complete industrial configuration software source code, including the configuration interface, scr ipting language and the device driver, can be used as their own product configura
- eye detection sample in matlab. Eyetrackers can analyze a driver’s level of attentiveness while driving and prevent drowsiness from causing accidents.-eye detection sample in Matlab. Eyetracke rs can analyze a driver's level of attentivenes s whi
- 122X32的点阵LCD的驱动程序,能显示汉字和图形-122X32 LCD driver that can show characters and graphics
- MX21 IM8012 driver This program is free software you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) a
- 基于MSP430的LCD1602驱动程序,里面有写好了的h文件和c文件,添加到工程即可运用。-Based on LCD1602 MSP430 driver, there are written the h files and c file, adding to the engineering can be used.
- 本程序分两部分,分别为界面和驱动程序,其中驱动程序为压缩解压缩的核心程序。 开发环境为VC6.0。 界面部分可由crs->ddu->ddu.dsp建立工作组,编译生成的可执行程序为debug中的ddu.exe 驱动部分由crs->驱动->驱动.c编译生成可执行文件。 具体压缩解压缩操作可见《操作手册》。-This procedure was divided into two parts, namely, interface and d
- 编写步进电机驱动程序 有了上面的驱动电路,可以方便地写出单片机控制步进电机的驱动程序-The preparation of Stepper Motor Driver with the above drive circuit, can easily write a single-chip stepper motor control driver
- media player 万能驱动器,如果媒体播放器缺少驱动使得其无法被电脑识别,安装此驱动-Universal media player drive, if the media player, the lack of drivers makes it can not be a computer to identify, install this driver
- 各种接口总线万能驱动程序宝典,这个程序可用于USB、SPI等总线的驱动-A variety of universal interface bus driver canon that this procedure can be used for USB, SPI and other bus drivers
- 这个是一个好好用的完美挂请大家用用好不好用大家-Postscr ipt(R) Printer Descr iption (a.k.a. PPD) files are text files containing information about special features available on Postscr ipt printers such as paper sizes, screen values and fonts available on your printer. Thes
- 本书主要介绍相应AGENT。任何情况下,相应AGENT的行为都是所感知和记忆的世界的过去或现在状态的函数。它们能进行相当复杂的知觉和驱动处理。-This book introduces the corresponding AGENT. Any case, the behavior of the corresponding AGENT perception and memory are the world' s past or present state of function. They
- C++编写的有限元计算程序。 版权所有: Comments/Questions can be directed to: Charbel Farhat : charbel@alexandra.colorado.edu Michel Lesoinne: michel@vette.colorado.edu Kendall Pierson : piersonk@vette.colorado.edu -----------------------------------------
- 用matlab实现了著名的生命游戏,也称元宝自动机,可以观察到很多有趣的模式-Using matlab to achieve the famous Game of Life, also known as ingots automata, can observe many interesting patterns
- 假定你开去香格里拉。出发前油箱是满的,可以行驶D公里。路上一共有n个加油站,A[i]表示从第i-1加油站到第i个的距离。最后一个加油站在香格里拉。请设计算法帮助驾驶员选择加油站使加油的次数最少-Suppose you go through Shangri-La. Tank is full before departure, can travel D km. On the road a total of n stations, A [i] that from the first i-1 i-sta
- Flatopia是个很平的地方,政府想要修高速公路,以解决交通问题。高速公路系统能使得驾驶能够不出离此系统就能够在任意两城之间通行。城镇编号1~N,每条高速路连接两个城镇,所有高速路都是直线的,双向使用的。但是一个驾驶员只能在公路的尽头的城镇改变线路。当地政府想要尽量减少所需修建最长公路的长度,然而,必须保证每一个城镇都是可以达到的。 输入: 处理情况。 由一个矩阵代表了每两个镇之间的距离,每个情况末尾是空行。 二、 算法分析: 题目抽象后可得,给定一个图,要求找到一个
- MATLAN中用simulink工具箱进行建模仿真,车辆工程搞仿真的朋友可以作为参考的例子,文件包括:1、基于Matlab/Simulink的车辆起步过程的仿真;2、基于Matlab_Simulink的四轮转向汽车操纵稳定性仿真;3、基于MATLAB_SIMULINK电动汽车感应电机建模仿真与特性分析;4、基于Matlab_Simulink环境四轮驱动混合动力汽车建模与仿真;5、基于Matlab_Simulink汽车驾驶员电动座椅控制系统的仿真设计;6、基于Simulink的电动汽车动力系统模型
- 基于MSP430的LCD1602驱动程序,该程序只用到了4根传输线,里面有写好了的h文件和c文件,添加到工程即可运用。-Based on LCD1602 MSP430 driver, the program only to 4 root transmission line, and there are written the h files and c file, adding to the engineering can be used.
- 搭建OFDM通信系统的框架,可以动态调节运行环境的参数,汽车课设货车Matlab驱动力图程序。- Build a framework OFDM communication system, Can dynamically adjust the parameters of the operating environment, Car class-based truck driver trying to Matlab program.
- 仿真图是速度、距离、幅度三维图像,汽车课设货车Matlab驱动力图程序,可直接计算得到多重分形谱。- FIG simulation speed, distance, amplitude three-dimensional image, Car class-based truck driver trying to Matlab program, It can be directly calculated multi-fractal spectrum.
- 汽车课设货车Matlab驱动力图程序,正确率可以达到98%,采用热核构造权重。- Car class-based truck driver trying to Matlab program, Accuracy can reach 98 , Thermonuclear using weighting factor.